Sorry to hear you've had so many in your life have complications from the vaxx. I'm waiting for the shoe to drop on some of my family that got it.
I have 3 friends that have taken it, 2 that are married, both them & husbands took it & the other friend had to take it for work, though she waited till the last day of their deadline to take first shot, and made her take the 2nd one. She didn't want to take it and is pissed that she had to. She tried to find another job, ANY job, but no one hired her (probably because she was overqualified for anything she applied to within an hour away from here).
Anyway, the 2 that are/were married... one lost her husband a year ago to cancer in two places, she has no idea what caused it. Docs finally tested him for cancer the night before he died. He was in a bad way for months before he passed. He's never had any signs of cancer. So it took only months from symptoms to dying. Sick quite a bit with.
Other married friend, who both got the vaxx. Husband has been dealing with cancer that has him on a roller coaster, doing chemo to see if it shrinks. And friend is same as the other one, has no idea what caused this so suddenly and frequently seems sick also.
The one friend that is single. I believe she knows what's going on with the vaxx, she made a comment one day, can't remember what it was now, but she said it in a low voice so only I could hear and the other friends didn't hear it. I just looked at her and said yup. Think she knows she could get hit with something bad in the near future. She's sick frequently also.
Sorry to hear you've had so many in your life have complications from the vaxx. I'm waiting for the shoe to drop on some of my family that got it.
I have 3 friends that have taken it, 2 that are married, both them & husbands took it & the other friend had to take it for work, though she waited till the last day of their deadline to take first shot, and made her take the 2nd one. She didn't want to take it and is pissed that she had to. She tried to find another job, ANY job, but no one hired her (probably because she was overqualified for anything she applied to within an hour away from here).
Anyway, the 2 that are/were married... one lost her husband a year ago to cancer in two places, she has no idea what caused it. Docs finally tested him for cancer the night before he died. He was in a bad way for months before he passed. He's never had any signs of cancer. So it took only months from symptoms to dying. Sick quite a bit with.
Other married friend, who both got the vaxx. Husband has been dealing with cancer that has him on a roller coaster, doing chemo to see if it shrinks. And friend is same as the other one, has no idea what caused this so suddenly and frequently seems sick also.
The one friend that is single. I believe she knows what's going on with the vaxx, she made a comment one day, can't remember what it was now, but she said it in a low voice so only I could hear and the other friends didn't hear it. I just looked at her and said yup. Think she knows she could get hit with something bad in the near future. She's sick frequently also.
This is so disheartening.