Look it up. Iodine is an essential nutrient that our thyroid uses to regulate a whole host of things in the body. Eliminating it opens us up to a whole host of illnesses. There was a huge campaign in the 90s to get people to understand the value of iodine and it was put in all our salt so that people wouldn't have to think about taking it and would just get it whenever we salted our food. Iodine is so powerful it can cure people from radiation poisoning. It's anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. It's like salting your food with chlorine dioxide or any of the other tons of antiseptic medicines they're trying to keep us from ingesting so they can sell us expensive drug treatments.
I was just at Costco and not a single kind of salt they have there says it's iodized. I thought maybe it was just the sea salt but I checked that huge bag of table salt they have and it doesn't say it's iodized either. I have that in my emergency storage and now I'm starting to think it's practically worthless. Sure, salt is good for you, but there's no question that iodized salt is WAY better for you.
Ditch your fucking sea salt. It says right on the label it doesn't contain iodide/iodine, "an essential nutrient." Get yourself regular old iodized table salt and thank me.
Definitely. It used to be in bread until they replaced it with bromide. Bromide is toxic to thyroid. Iodine is essential for thyroid health. Iodine helps the thyroid detox our bodies.
I think boron too helps thyroid or pineal. Can't remember.
Have you tried borax. I wanted to but my wife wouldn’t let me.
I take two sips of borax "soapy" water every morning. It rapidly relieves morning joint pain in my right hand. I put in 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per quart of water.
Yes. I put a teaspoon in water now and then. Its primary use is to control fungus growth in your gut (it’s extremely fungicidal) but it also slowly, over time and with regular low doses, breaks up fluoride and calcium deposits in your body, including in your pineal gland. I believe it helped me straighten my back fully, calcification prevented my back joints from realizing their full range of motion.
It's easy to sneak some in. A tsp of 20-Mule Team borax in a glass of water. Tastes a little soapy, but just a little.
I wonder about this too... interested to see what info you gather