This was originally found on: TennesseTruthseeker@TennesseeMAGA13
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The laws governing Agenda 2030 land development allow governments to seize polluted land and move their residents into smart cities.
Important to note: If the land and water around you is completely poisoned, you don't get to opt out of the "smart city" model coming down the pike.
Are you starting to understand?
Look up UN's Agenda 2030
Well, we surely are getting very very close to that precipice, aren't we?
I would love to see the UN dismantled and turned into a homeless shelter.
If Trump still has plans to save us, it needs to be soon.
Too many things are being destroyed in unfixable ways, not to mention the millions of people dead or permanently damaged by the jabs. We will wait forever until every single person wakes up. The Plan had better including major action SOON or there won't be any point to it all, other than to have held us back when we could have done something.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on inaction in the face of tyranny:
I always thought it would make a beautiful campus for homeless vets.
Yea the precipice is very close. WW3 rhetoric is the focus of the national conversation atm. I hear it everywhere, from the grocery store checkout to talking with the other contractors on the job site. People are at the brink and large scale internecine violence cant be far off.
But Act III cant start until the dollar falls. I think this event will signal the beginning of the arrest stage.