From the article
After her husband’s latest hospitalization for clinical depression at a hospital in the Washington, D.C. area, Gisele Barreto Fetterman, the wife of Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, departed the country due to an overwhelming amount of media attention.
“I am not really sure how to navigate this journey but am figuring it out slowly. 1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home. I did the first thing I could think of … pack them in the car and drive,” Gisele tweeted.
Despite receiving too much media attention, Barreto revealed her plans on social media to take the kids up to Canada while her husband stayed in the hospital.
“We drove straight into … Canada (and lovely Buffalo NY) (Pro Tip: always have passports ready just in case you have to run away ) We talked about lots of hard things and how we will all have to face hard things. About the need to be gentle … with all and with ourselves.”
It was revealed earlier in February that Fetterman was hospitalized. He has dealt with issues surrounding his two previous strokes, however, a couple days after that news broke that he actually admitted himself into the hospital for clinical depression. While details are certainly ambiguous, it was divulged that his work life sadly was declining due to his health concerns.
Isn't that what everyone does when a loved one is hospitalized? Abandon and escape? When people show you who they are...... believe them.
I wonder if he's ded Jim... and she was jumping ship.
Maybe a third stroke? Stroke 3 and you're out?
I think strokes follow slow-pitch softball rules. Two strokes and you're out.
My guess? He's dead, Jim...