There is also a reading list of historical texts which produce red flags to RICU. These include Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government and Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, as well as works by Thomas Carlyle and Adam Smith. Elsewhere RICU warns that radicalisation could occur from books by authors including C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Aldous Huxley and Joseph Conrad. I kid you not, though it seems that all satire is dead, but the list of suspect books also includes 1984 by George Orwell.
Ok that Fucking does it! Leave LOTR alone... Back in my youth the bookstores sold those books in box sets at 5 or more price points. 1984 I need to read again, because I was too young to grasp it fully as a kid.
The Handmaid's Tale by Atwood. With the poison jabs, soon people will no longer be able to have babies. "Before, you were given freedom to. Now you are given freedom from." I read this book when I was 12. Scared the shit out of me.
animal farm is a good one too…
Yeah, that was a great read!
The article:
The above article reports on a column by Author Douglas Murray criticizing a UK government report:
It discusses the report from RICU:
LOL they are creating a reading list!
I was thinking the same thing. I will read every one.
Fantastic books.
I love me some DnD fantasy and outerspace fictions. Beats the hell out of t.v.
Cheaper too.
Yeah, it's not rampant degeneracy and globalist hatred of Whites that fuels ""right wing extremism"... it's classic books.
The Bible is super dangerous too don't forget.
Ok that Fucking does it! Leave LOTR alone... Back in my youth the bookstores sold those books in box sets at 5 or more price points. 1984 I need to read again, because I was too young to grasp it fully as a kid.
I actually love this
Tell kids not to read two books, they're "dangerous"
What is the first thing most kids will do
They're gonna devour these things - I read 1984 in one sitting because it was so engrossing
LOTR took a while longer ;)
The Handmaid's Tale by Atwood. With the poison jabs, soon people will no longer be able to have babies. "Before, you were given freedom to. Now you are given freedom from." I read this book when I was 12. Scared the shit out of me.
It leads to people who can recognize BS, and won't be quiet about it, which gives the real BS'ers a hard time.
i also suggest Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World.
Com on man....
Star Wars increasingly as well lol
Heil Sauron, gas the elves!
Next retarded headline. “Why book burnings are making a comeback, and why it’s a good thing”
Yes, any book where good triumphs over evil must be banned! Those are dangerous thoughts right there!