"“DUDE, I was running the military. There was no coup. Can’t happen. Milley was right about that… it has to come through us. There was gonna be no military coup."
"Dude, I spent my life in service to this country and I swore to protect and defend the Constitution… The President was not about that. He wasn’t going there. If it would have gone there I would have resigned.” 💥
Definitely gets one thinking about the precise legal meanings of these words. Coup, insurrection, sedition. Which are in play? Was Miller trying to narrow what we should be looking at?
Why do Pelosi and media always refer to it as an insurrection?? What act can be invoked if there is an insurrection???
And to follow up on that, why in God's name would the press be uniformly invoking a legal term that would cook their own goose unless they were already under complete control??
While I respect secdef Miller, and appreciate the sentiment reference constitutionality, we're at war. Obviously he knows more than we do, however, we had communists steal an election from the American people. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And I think the military is warranted.
Despite all efforts of the pedo death cult to the contrary, this is still a Constitutional Republic and the laws must be upheld. What are we fighting for if our laws can be thrown away because of your feelings? Q stated this must be done according to the law. Are you an anon that supports Q or not?
Yeah I understand that, but when the law is completely corrupted, that's a little difficult. The left has been shitting on the law for a while, and all we have to show for it is a republic on the brink of destruction.
Thank you...I try...God Bless 🙏🏻
Thank you so much....😉🙏🏻
"“DUDE, I was running the military. There was no coup. Can’t happen. Milley was right about that… it has to come through us. There was gonna be no military coup."
"Dude, I spent my life in service to this country and I swore to protect and defend the Constitution… The President was not about that. He wasn’t going there. If it would have gone there I would have resigned.” 💥
Where’s Schiff?
Definitely gets one thinking about the precise legal meanings of these words. Coup, insurrection, sedition. Which are in play? Was Miller trying to narrow what we should be looking at?
Why do Pelosi and media always refer to it as an insurrection?? What act can be invoked if there is an insurrection???
And to follow up on that, why in God's name would the press be uniformly invoking a legal term that would cook their own goose unless they were already under complete control??
Interesting times ....To say the least...
American hero.
I still get the feeling like all these people are snakes.
While I respect secdef Miller, and appreciate the sentiment reference constitutionality, we're at war. Obviously he knows more than we do, however, we had communists steal an election from the American people. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And I think the military is warranted.
Despite all efforts of the pedo death cult to the contrary, this is still a Constitutional Republic and the laws must be upheld. What are we fighting for if our laws can be thrown away because of your feelings? Q stated this must be done according to the law. Are you an anon that supports Q or not?
Yeah I understand that, but when the law is completely corrupted, that's a little difficult. The left has been shitting on the law for a while, and all we have to show for it is a republic on the brink of destruction.
Pelosi referring to her own insurrection against lawfully elected government
It would not have been a coup, it would have been him doing the job the people of the USA elected him to do.
I kind of wish he was