I don't have the skills or knowledge to validate or invalidate this guy. But if what he says is true, well, we are in for a really hard stretch of time...
Can anyone confirm? Any opinions, insights, other e vidence?
I personally know 3 people who have died after taking the jab. My mother-in-law was the first. She died a month after taking her second jab. My brother-in-law was perfectly healthy. Dove in his pool 2 weeks after taking the 2nd jab and never came up. Docs said it was a heart attack. Another healthy friend of mine took both jabs and a few weeks later was home watching Clemson football. He had played for Clemson in the 1980s until a knee injury. He called 911 and never finished the call. He was alone at the time and they found him on his sofa dead. Another heart attack they said. I never took the jabs nor did I ever don a face mask. I advised all of them not to take it but my words fell on deaf ears, now those ears are dead.
I know of deaths i blame the poke on too. Anytime someone saids "i know noone" i question controlled opposition or hardly knows anyone
I bet I know more people than you do bud. I'm not saying I don't know anyone who's died in the last two years, I'm just saying the death rate hasn't spiked. Same with bolognavirus- it's all made up to scare you into compliance. I'm sorry you believe President Trumps a mass murderer. Hopefully you'll see the light soon
I did not state trump is a mass murderer. Compliance??? Pfft it's made me speak out heaps but reality is cemeteries are skyrocketing with bodies and I know more then normal deaths. Death rate stats, don't care what any one debates it's what I witness since stats have been falsified or incorrectly calculated (as seen with canberra having "apparently" 100.3% vax rate, pfffft