America has solved the biggest problem between ethnic groups.
America has gotten people from all walks of life to agree to "English" as a default.
Think about taking 10 random countries and putting them on the same land.
Let's say you gave them the task of picking a standard language that they all must understand.
Who is going to give up their home language for someone else's language?
I see your points but I disagree that it's hardwired as you think.
It's hardwired for sure. But I don't see it your way.
Many many years ago people lived in very harsh environments.
The average age of death was very young.
So to survive. You had to band together with the group NOT because you love the people. You band together to personally survive dangers.
To survive harsh times.
Understanding the same language is a must.
You cannot work together as a group if you speak different languages.
Therefore... a Polish person many years ago would not see brotherhood with a German person. They would become tribal against each other.
They wouldn't be able to establish a trust system.
Since they cannot understand each other.
So the hardwiring you are talking about only matters when
Humans still live in the jungle and the survival rate is low.
Humans needed to communicate to build something to survive against other foes in a primitive society.
So where am I going with this?
What America has done compared to any nation.
We have "standardized" a communication framework
with people from various nations.
That standardized communication framework is called "English".
Once you standardized a communication framework between various groups of people.
At that point, ethnic tribalism no longer has a major purpose.
Ethnic tribalism's true purpose is to protect sub-groups of people who live in the jungle. Such as people who must hunt manually. People who do not have an automated system of security. People who share the land with people who do not speak the same language as them.
So the people in America are still holding onto Tribalism.
Are unevolved people.
Racial tribalism just doesn't have a benefit once everyone agrees to understand a common communication framework such as English.
"I recommend you stay away from the people who hate you."
I agree with THAT part; it is sensible. I would not rule out communication with such people but, quite often, that is not possible.
The problem with social issues is that a stupid smart person tend to complicate the solution.
The solution is simple. People need to build bonds with various groups of people.
How do you do this?
Simple... go out and do something of common interest.
For Example:
A white co-worker of mine became good friends with me.
We both loved football. So we met up for Bears Games and drinks with a group of people several times. This same guy went to China with me as well.
This is all that needs to be done.
Once you build social bonds. People will communicate with each other differently.
The problem with the segregation angle is "Land Ownership".
People who invest understand the value of buying physical assets like land and buildings.
Another Example:
I am running a start-up with two white guys. One of our plans is to jointly buy land in Wisconsin.
The segregation pushers are thinking like animals. They aren't thinking about the big picture of investing in land-based assets.
This is why segregation will never work in America. Human beings want to be able to move freely.
You would need an administration and police state to try to restrict the movement of people.
In my view... Scott is pushing an angle for the World Economic Forum. They are already trying to restrict movement in the UK.
What better way to do this in America? Push for racial tribalism again.
Scott did not think this through.
And to add one more comment to my last comment.
America has solved the biggest problem between ethnic groups.
America has gotten people from all walks of life to agree to "English" as a default.
Think about taking 10 random countries and putting them on the same land. Let's say you gave them the task of picking a standard language that they all must understand.
Who is going to give up their home language for someone else's language?
I would bet that NO one would do this.
America solved this problem.
I see your points but I disagree that it's hardwired as you think. It's hardwired for sure. But I don't see it your way.
Many many years ago people lived in very harsh environments. The average age of death was very young.
So to survive. You had to band together with the group NOT because you love the people. You band together to personally survive dangers.
To survive harsh times.
Understanding the same language is a must. You cannot work together as a group if you speak different languages.
Therefore... a Polish person many years ago would not see brotherhood with a German person. They would become tribal against each other.
They wouldn't be able to establish a trust system. Since they cannot understand each other.
So the hardwiring you are talking about only matters when
So where am I going with this?
What America has done compared to any nation.
We have "standardized" a communication framework with people from various nations.
That standardized communication framework is called "English".
Once you standardized a communication framework between various groups of people.
At that point, ethnic tribalism no longer has a major purpose.
Ethnic tribalism's true purpose is to protect sub-groups of people who live in the jungle. Such as people who must hunt manually. People who do not have an automated system of security. People who share the land with people who do not speak the same language as them.
So the people in America are still holding onto Tribalism. Are unevolved people.
Racial tribalism just doesn't have a benefit once everyone agrees to understand a common communication framework such as English.
I see your points.
Infants are hardwired to connect with their parents.
There have been tons of studies to show how infants can understand who their mother is. Even if someone who looks like them picks them up.
I don't know how they could run a proper test to know if someone has an in-group preference.
How does one create a situation that proves this as fact?
If that were true.
I don't think the Cabal would spend so much time trying to push CRT on kids.
I also think that there wouldn't have been a need for Jim Crow laws on the books.
Thomas Sowell talks about this.
He said something like 'If racism was natural like they say it is. Why put a racial law on the books in the first place"
There wouldn't be a need to put in a race base laws or send our race base propaganda.
I think a lot of racial conditioning is based on lies pushed by elites to program people to think a certain way.
How much of our view about ethnicity comes from the Cabal brainwashing us?
It's natural when we live in a society that is still in the jungle.
Group preference has a benefit when humans are in primitive times.
This group preference during these times is for pure survival reasons and nothing else.
Keep this in mind. Language is the key to all of this.
I don't agree that a baby would understand in-group decisions. A baby needs to have a "no trust" mindset toward everyone but their parents.
Which is why God says "Honor your mother and father".
It's why a lot of parents say "Do not trust strangers" to their young kids.
In America.
The in-group mindset you are talking about is because of the lies the Cabal has pushed.
It's because of the social pressure that the Cabal uses to activate fear of survival.
In my view.
God is the greatest engineer ever. We have different groups of people to provide the world with a variety of mating and social options.
Instead of saying we want freedom. We should change it to "We want options".
A good friend of mine in college was a white guy. He only dated white women with blonde hair. I see him reject attractive white women with dark hair.
So what did he do there? He picked an option.
It's like an assembly line. There are many different car models.
Well... there are many different human models and options to pick from.
That's how I see the world.
I think group preference depends on how harsh the environment we live in is. It's only a temporay mindset in the harshest of environments.