Yeah and remember he often cited our airports in particular? Then I see the Google whistleblower Zach tweeted:
"I've discovered that nearly every single temperature sensor used for climate data is located on an airport!
They are including asphalt and jet exhaust temperatures in their climate "warming" data."
And then I thought, I wonder if he's gonna destroy that whole narrative too?
I'm glad Zach brought that up, but honestly it's really old news. The "official" weather stations were usually in the oldest parts of cities, e.g. at the civic center and now surrounded by cars and pavement, or at airports because weather is important to planes. Anyway, early on in the warming hysteria, the urbanization of weather stations was pointed out. Then drowned out, apparently.
I remember Trump frequently mentioning the need to upgrade infrastructure because it was all deteriorating.
Yeah and remember he often cited our airports in particular? Then I see the Google whistleblower Zach tweeted: "I've discovered that nearly every single temperature sensor used for climate data is located on an airport!
They are including asphalt and jet exhaust temperatures in their climate "warming" data."
And then I thought, I wonder if he's gonna destroy that whole narrative too?
I'm glad Zach brought that up, but honestly it's really old news. The "official" weather stations were usually in the oldest parts of cities, e.g. at the civic center and now surrounded by cars and pavement, or at airports because weather is important to planes. Anyway, early on in the warming hysteria, the urbanization of weather stations was pointed out. Then drowned out, apparently.
wow.. more underhanded implicit bias.... Why am not surprised??