If 2020 was stolen, how is 2024 going to be safeguarded?
We all know the election was stolen. The proof has not only been thrown at us, but also to the entire country and court system, but yet, here we are languishing our way thru this mess with another election coming up. I wonder what safeguards are going to be put in place to prevent another steal? The blacks hats are now being very public with their moves. Let’s hope the military finally steps in and put an end to it.
2008 still needs fixed.
Its why we had 2020 in the first place.
Oh yea, I forgot about 2008, but then what about all of the other improperly installed "winners?"
All the prior stolen elections?? Nullification of every illegitimately installed law and EO.
Full reset. A Great reset if you will
Its been going on for decades. The rust belt has had known corrupt voting for generations. The other states are just a little less known with their chicanery until late
2008 was legitimate. Anyone can see the parallels to Trump (massive crowds, high energy, and a massive movement putting themselves over everyone else).
2008 was more believable than 2004.
Acorn was a thing.
They boosted McCain and then forced Palin on him to guarantee the loss, and that almost backfired on them.
2008 was an absolute fraud, because the birth certificate was a fraud.
Regardless of the defrauded vote, ubama al-barakah has never been eligible to be POTUS.
Everything he signed was illegitimate.
He will ultimately also be completely undone.