Ha ha, your last line stole my response, which was going to be"I'm ROLLING that around in my mind...maybe some POLLING on that question would be good...and when I say this, I'm not TROLLING!" Kek :p
Being a wordnerd, just off the top o' me gulliver, ya got boll, knoll, poll, roll, stollen :), toll, and troll
bollocks, doll, folly, golly, holly, jolly, lollipop, moll, and mollify...
...with the expected short vowel preceding double consonant
Probably there are more examples of each I'm not thinking of right now
Bottom line: English is weird and highly unpredictable
I can certainly be mistaken, but I'm not speaking German kind sir.
I'm speaking northeast English. Double ll after an O is pronounced like pollen.
Unless you think our president was indeed speaking of a German fruitcake, in which case we're in deeper trouble than I suspected
*Of course, there is poll and toll, so what do I know?
Ha ha, your last line stole my response, which was going to be"I'm ROLLING that around in my mind...maybe some POLLING on that question would be good...and when I say this, I'm not TROLLING!" Kek :p
Being a wordnerd, just off the top o' me gulliver, ya got boll, knoll, poll, roll, stollen :), toll, and troll
bollocks, doll, folly, golly, holly, jolly, lollipop, moll, and mollify...
...with the expected short vowel preceding double consonant
Probably there are more examples of each I'm not thinking of right now
Bottom line: English is weird and highly unpredictable
Ha correct indeed