Don't need to ban it. Just separate it and make sure the F***er's deliver it when asked for. On second thought, forget it, I wouldn't trust a hospital or doctor to do that.
Came here to say both of these ideas. I am open to vaccinated people donating blood for use by vaccinated people. But I do not trust these institutiions to keep the blood properly marked and only use it as directed.
P.S. I came back for the call-out to your last line in your post. I think this is really important to stress to people. There is a degree of naivete in America, where "Democrats" do not notice for the most part that their Party has been converted into a hat that the Communists are wearing. And perhaps even more importantly, we should not assume that no Commies have infiltrated on the "Republican" or even "Small C Conservative" cohort. Commies care about sowing chaos. They don't care which side wins any argument. All they care about is that both sides destroy each other in the fight.
Most blood that is transfused is packed red blood cells without the plasma. I don't know, however, if the red blood cells could be infected or adulterated. Red blood cells don't contain the same replication equipment as other cells in the body, they merely carry hemoglobin.
Don't need to ban it. Just separate it and make sure the F***er's deliver it when asked for. On second thought, forget it, I wouldn't trust a hospital or doctor to do that.
Came here to say both of these ideas. I am open to vaccinated people donating blood for use by vaccinated people. But I do not trust these institutiions to keep the blood properly marked and only use it as directed.
I think you have the right idea.
Maybe theres a way to filter it.
I'm not into the "getting back at the vax" mentality the mainstream media are pushing. It's more division.
I warned you all before. Communists have infiltrated both sides. This MSM article is a good example of it.
P.S. I came back for the call-out to your last line in your post. I think this is really important to stress to people. There is a degree of naivete in America, where "Democrats" do not notice for the most part that their Party has been converted into a hat that the Communists are wearing. And perhaps even more importantly, we should not assume that no Commies have infiltrated on the "Republican" or even "Small C Conservative" cohort. Commies care about sowing chaos. They don't care which side wins any argument. All they care about is that both sides destroy each other in the fight.
And commies have no morals or ethics, they will do whatever it takes to enable their goals.
Most blood that is transfused is packed red blood cells without the plasma. I don't know, however, if the red blood cells could be infected or adulterated. Red blood cells don't contain the same replication equipment as other cells in the body, they merely carry hemoglobin.