This is encouraging that there are still honorable doctors...however his belief that childhood vaccines are necessary is least he's half woke...
Need to start somewhere with normies at least, going too hard too fast/shaking their world a little too much could cause eye rolls among people that may have been just curious enough to listen or look into this further. Maybe eventually they’re curious enough to look at autism rates and the correlation with # of shots.
A little foreplay before redpill insertion. This is great shareable content for normies
This is encouraging that there are still honorable doctors...however his belief that childhood vaccines are necessary is least he's half woke...
Need to start somewhere with normies at least, going too hard too fast/shaking their world a little too much could cause eye rolls among people that may have been just curious enough to listen or look into this further. Maybe eventually they’re curious enough to look at autism rates and the correlation with # of shots.
A little foreplay before redpill insertion. This is great shareable content for normies
Agree with this 100% I thought that doc was perfect. Yea, he mentioned the "necessary vaxxes" but let's take inches over miles right now.
It's better to wake people gently rather than forcefully
Even if the vaccines provided some sliver of protection in the past, I believe they are a tool now for passing on contaminated material.