Also, consider: crypto requires electricity, electrical connections and an internet. you cannot pass crypto hand to hand unless you've got some form of these working for you. Unlike certain other things.
Set up crypto as a wild, free market for speculators & (investors). > Get them to pour their investment assets into crypto. > Meanwhile, buy up as much of the world's gold, silver and precious metals supply as you can. > Scandalize crypto as a dangerous, unregulated form of 'currency'. > Develop and mandate government (central bank) controlled digital currencies as the solution' to the crypto volatility, danger and scandals. > Force conversion of standard currency into digital currency that can be controlled by govts. > Implode the fiat currency system after having bought all the gold and silver, forcing the populations to become entrenched in the 'new' digital ID, digital currency, total surveillance slave system.
Bitcoin and the block chain are two separate things. The blockchain might have some usefulness, Bitcoin, not really.
You can use Bitcoin to easily pay people instantly anywhere in the world.
Very much agree.
Also, consider: crypto requires electricity, electrical connections and an internet. you cannot pass crypto hand to hand unless you've got some form of these working for you. Unlike certain other things.
Set up crypto as a wild, free market for speculators & (investors). > Get them to pour their investment assets into crypto. > Meanwhile, buy up as much of the world's gold, silver and precious metals supply as you can. > Scandalize crypto as a dangerous, unregulated form of 'currency'. > Develop and mandate government (central bank) controlled digital currencies as the solution' to the crypto volatility, danger and scandals. > Force conversion of standard currency into digital currency that can be controlled by govts. > Implode the fiat currency system after having bought all the gold and silver, forcing the populations to become entrenched in the 'new' digital ID, digital currency, total surveillance slave system.
Presto, you've got a plan!