Legends have it in ancient Japan…
…once every month a hundred supernatural spirits of folklore come out at night to parade through the streets …
…this is the Hyakki Yagyou, led by the powerful Nurarihyon…
Tonight is one of those nights…
…and we are those hundred spirits that will be on parade to haunt the enemies of freedom...
....where we go one...WE GO ALL!
Hey y'all, u/Nurarihyon_no_MAGA here guest hosting tonight’s UNLEASHED for a special event: American Mythology month!
Now you may be asking yourself: Why should we examine Native American folklore? Isn’t this board dedicated to researching Q and the Great Awakening?
A few days ago, I stumbled upon this video:
and then read this article that u/ashlanddog posted
Then I suddenly came up with an idea,
My hypothesis is there may be a hidden link between the culture of the Native Americans and the cultures of the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, or possibly other civilizations that have been lost to time.
I believe that mythology is also a defining of a country’s culture, and it influences generations of it’s people with inspiration in naming future discoveries
Greek mythology influenced early theatrical performances and future discoveries in astronomy; Japanese mythology inspired art and was the biggest inspiration behind the creation of Pokémon and Anime; Egyptian mythology led to the production of iconic landmarks and tourist attractions for the country, and inspired movies and games; Even Indian, Chinese, and even Norse folklore has also influenced popular media to this day.
After conversing with u/ashlanddog, I asked him if we could collaborate to dedicate the next series of UNLEASHED posts to researching some of the obscure Native American Mythologies, where they fit in the puzzle of history and culture, and possibly proving the existence of this link
Gather round folks, it’s time to explore some of the seemingly forgotten mythical legends of the tribes of the indigenous Americas, discover some ancient secrets about the country we all know and love, compare and contrast them to the folklore of other countries, and perhaps give some inspiration to any future story writers who are browsing this board right now.
There is a TON of overlooked stories that have untapped potential for us to explore and research to find out just how "enlightened" the Native Americans really were....
Grab your lanterns and shovels everyone, it's excavation time!
Each week we'll take a look a different Native American Myth and we'll se what it has in common with the rest of the world's folklore
Let's start off with the most iconic and ubiquitous animal in the southwest, the coyote; The Natives worshipped it as the creator of Earth, a god of fertility, and a trickster spirit similar to the kitsune of Japan
...say hello to Unleashed newest Unchained Hound... Nurarihyon_no_MAGA !!!
...welcome to the Merry Pranksters!!!
Check c/drawingbored every Monday as i'll be posting some illustrations of these mythologies that I draw by myself in pencil
GREAT idea, /u/Nurarihyon_no_MAGA, for a thread, or focus, or whatever we're calling this.
The problem with society, here and in most places in the world, isn't just corruption or tyranny or Satanism or whatnot, but an unbalanced focus -- too much rational, logical, mechanical, nuance-blind, empathy-poor, context-poor left brain attention versus the more organic, spiritual, three-dimensional, connected, context-rich right-brain attention.
In life, we need both forms of attention, but balance is needed and the left hemisphere's form of attention must never become dominant in a culture (or one's life). Getting familiar with other cultures can help with that.
That's my take from reading Iain McGilchrist's work, and I recommend his writings for anyone interested in the concepts; a good, short introduction is Ways of Attending but there is a lot more from him including the 3,995-page The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World.
Edit: 1578 pages, not 3995.
Here's a link between American Indian culture and the pro-freedom attitude of both the American colonists and the governments (from local to federal) they created:
American colonists learned a great deal about freedom -- real freedom, not just tyranny with loose chains -- from Indian tribes. Despite the lack of "modern amenities" of the time, some colonists dropped out of Western Civilization to live with one of the tribes simply for the freedom that life in a tribe offered. (No, not all tribes were the same in this regard).
Imagine living in a society where, when the Chief wanted to start a war, you could tell him to fuck off right to his face, refuse to participate, and walk away unmolested. Yes, THAT kind of freedom. It started waking people up, just hearing about such things. Without our exposure to the free Indian tribes and some of their wise men who detailed theory and practice of freedom to interested Whites, we might never have produced the Declaration and freed ourselves from Britain with a Revolution.
It's an interesting subject. For more, see The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity
Finally somebody understands the point I'm trying to convey!
The Native Americans have a lot of wisdom that the US has ignored for whatever reason that we should at least take a moment to listen to; You could learn a lot from people who lived here before us...
And yes there are few Native American tribes that actually helped out the US in the War of Independence, which I'll be talking about in future posts
There is quite a lot of mythological references regarding the Pleadis constellation. The Seven sisters, Subaru, etc. etc. found in cultures from around the world, including Native American cultures. I think the Pueblo Indians had a lot to say about those stars.
...valid observation....
Coyote: Hero, Trickster, Immortal And Respected Animal In Native American Myths
The basis of his character is the same in all myths; however, certain character traits of this extraordinary figure vary widely from region to region. Like real coyotes, mythological coyotes are usually notable for their crafty intelligence, stealth, and voracious appetite
Native American Coyote Mythology
Coyote is a major mythological figure for most Native American tribes, especially those west of the Mississippi. Like real coyotes, mythological coyotes are usually notable for their crafty intelligence, stealth, and voracious appetite. However, American Indian coyote characters vary widely from tribe to tribe. In some Native American coyote myths, Coyote is a revered culture hero who creates, teaches, and helps humans; in others, he is a sort of antihero who demonstrates the dangers of negative behaviors like greed, recklessness, and arrogance; in still others, he is a comic trickster character, whose lack of wisdom gets him into trouble while his cleverness gets him back out. In some Native coyote stories, he is even some sort of combination of all three at once.
Thread locked for rule violation.
Please use the General Chat thread for all off topic posts and conversations.
GAW rules reminder:
This thread has some interesting content, but the General Chat is a more appropriate home for this sort of stuff.
Link to the General Chat for Sun, Mar 05
All I can say is, GreatAwakening.win has really gone to the dogs!
My brother has lived in Japan for 30 years. It’s a wonderful country, however; why are we focusing on demons?
Hyakki Yagyō (百鬼夜行, "Night Parade of One Hundred Demons"[2])
I chose the title because I am a massive weeaboo, and it references part of my own username, Nurarihyon_no_MAGA
The idea is that I want to shine sone light on our own mythology that has been overlooked for too long (READ THE DESCRIPTION OF THE OP) I wanna find out what the Native Americans have in common with the rest of the world...
This is also gonna be a once per week little side activity for all the mythology nuts like myself, as well as to give u/ashlanddog the day off as he works hard to retrieve us the Misfit Toys from the Island so often
Feel free to check out the links above and see what you think
...doggy winks...
I LOVE it. I think it is a wonderful diversion, .
I believe that freedom you spoke of is likely why or at least in part why our fledgling government has tried to eradicate them. Even to this day they focused their eugenics shots campaign heavily on the reservations and in south america on the indigenous tribes there.
Fascinating! Thank you!