Me too. The whole day was a joke. Crooked lines from the Marine corps? The Drums and Fife corps with hats blown off all over the place? And the lowered banner as they passed jerk o'biden? At Arlington, biden came [n the sidewalk you and I would use and ex presidents were there. They wouldn't let Joe touch the wreath. And the Marine telling Joe and the whore where to stand and the wait for the cars and the national guard turning their back (court marshall if you do that for the president). And that country singer who did his thing and then went through the audience shaking hands and, oh yes, most importantly. The actual time of the vows (and Jill's shoes).
I have worked with the military and this guy has it absolutely right. No one wants to hear this. No one understands how these details are supremely important. It's really hard getting someone's attention when they have absolutely no knowledge of the military.
Details are extremely important to autists, military, and engineers. Not so much for commies, media-tards, and globalist puppets. That which one ignores or tries to suppress often causes the most "pain" when wielded without mercy.
Me too. The whole day was a joke. Crooked lines from the Marine corps? The Drums and Fife corps with hats blown off all over the place? And the lowered banner as they passed jerk o'biden? At Arlington, biden came [n the sidewalk you and I would use and ex presidents were there. They wouldn't let Joe touch the wreath. And the Marine telling Joe and the whore where to stand and the wait for the cars and the national guard turning their back (court marshall if you do that for the president). And that country singer who did his thing and then went through the audience shaking hands and, oh yes, most importantly. The actual time of the vows (and Jill's shoes).
I have worked with the military and this guy has it absolutely right. No one wants to hear this. No one understands how these details are supremely important. It's really hard getting someone's attention when they have absolutely no knowledge of the military.
Details are extremely important to autists, military, and engineers. Not so much for commies, media-tards, and globalist puppets. That which one ignores or tries to suppress often causes the most "pain" when wielded without mercy.