From article
Panama’s Supreme Court has ruled against same-sex marriage, saying that it is not a human right, closing the door to establishing the practice through judicial ruling.
"There is a reality, and it is that, until now, the right to equal marriage is no more than an aspiration, even though a legitimate one for the groups involved, and it does not fall into the category of a human right or a fundamental right," said the court, in the ruling dated Feb. 16 but released on Mar. 1.
The case resulted from same-sex couples who were married in other countries seeking to have their unions recognized in Panama.
But the court ruled that "no matter how many changes happen in reality," same-sex marriage "lacks conventional and constitutional recognition," the AFP reported.
The Supreme Court implied with its ruling that the country’s Family Code prioritized unions "capable of establishing families giving continuity to the human species, and therefore, to society," according to Newsroom Panama
A marriage is between a man and a women and God . A civil union is a deal with the government . A legal agreement. Do not confuse God's law with man's law
I refer to them as contract unions because they can’t have a marriage. Choosing to be in a sterile relationship deliberately goes against Gods command to be fruitful and multiply. Before someone goes off about couples who can’t conceive, I just went through over a decade of my womb being closed and the Good Father opened it this past winter. He is the one who gives life, not us. Two men or two women absolutely can not be used by God to be fruitful together with their bodies. Blatant disobedience.
So an anus doesn’t give life? So racist of you.
Look, it's not the anus that gives life. It's the gaping hole created through surgical castration and inversion, you bigot!
And so unnatural.