85 First-Ever Official Apology for COVID Vaccine Mandates (dailyclout.io) posted 1 year ago by penisse 1 year ago by penisse +85 / -0 First-Ever Official Apology for COVID Vaccine Mandates A Powerful, Sincere and Emotional Apology Worth Watching 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
That was awesome.
Now prepare the noose.
Its a start, but apologies for the vax are more important.
No apology accepted except blood. Get the guillotines ready.
Apology wont bring back the dead.
Nope. They need to burn.
...and then the hangman put the bag over her head.
Unpopular opinion here, but women should not hold leadership positions. Most believe that removing empathy makes them like men, whom they try to emulate. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They admit that they hid truth. This means intentional harm. I don't know what good their apology can ever do.