Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning. Bigly Freak Out
🚔 Crime & Pedocrats 💸
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So, uh, Senator Schumer, if the J6 tapes so brilliantly show the "insurrection"...
...then why didn't YOU release them, like, immediately after J6? Hmm?
You knew they were lying the moment they couldn't leak anything incriminating. That's the MO.
Fuck legalities if we got something on the opposition. Everything is a nothing burger if they don't release it immediately for maximum damage. Just like Trump's taxes.
Hey does anyone know what tribal religious cult Schumer is part of and how that might relate to him hating the idea of Patriots exposing their plans to overthrow America?
It’s all about the narrative falling apart. I’ll tell you an old family cold war joke narrative to illustrate. Khrushchev was in a foot race with Kennedy. Pravda announced Khrushchev came in at a respectable second place while the American President could do no better than second to last place. The Truth and the narrative are two different views.