In light of the January 6th Tucker video releases, I figure that we should teach some history to new frens.
I am convinced at this point that the message in this video or any variant of "This is Dangerous to Democracy" means "This is dangerous to our control of democracy (government)"
I am sure Anons know this, though many new frens may need to have it pointed out.
That's a bit much for the Average Joe to take in, I think you'd find it easier to simply point out that the 14th Amendment, when you use a Legal Dictionary to track the various Meanings of the word Person all the way to Citizen, happen to say that Corporations are Persons, and therefore, when reduced to the LOWEST Possible Common Denominator, Person(You) = Corporation(Still You) = U.S. Citizen created in the U.S. Congress under the 14th Amendment....
Indeed, that's another good way to explain it. The dual-definition "Person" is quite the doozy!
Bottom line, they're playing a game that they didn't teach us. We think we're playing checkers but they're playing chess. Thus, if you ever want to have a chance at winning the game you'd better learn how to play it!!
I drop my little comments from time to time to spur curiosity. I'd need to write about 10 books to explain the whole situation from beginning to end.
The biggest obstacle we face is most people don't want to do their own research to learn how the game works. They think Trump/Q or some other savior is going to make it all go away. But it's not going to happen that way because that's not how the universe works.
Until each individual learns they're the SOVEREIGN King/Queen of their realm, and more importantly starts ACTING LIKE IT, they'll suffer and struggle under this fraudulent system of control. There's no other way!
Three people, who each have the knowledge necessary to play this insane game, could compile their knowledge and research, and it would take years to compile, and would be bigger than the Encyclopedia Britannica....
But to study it an learn it, would make Professors of anyone who made it through the entire thing, if it didn't make them insane....
The truth of the matter is, we need to UNLEARN all the lies we've been taught. Karl Lentz is the master of all of it. In his words, "it's a lifestyle".... to BE and ACT LIKE a man/woman.
He of course studied and learned the legal system trickery for 15 years so he knows each and every "gotcha" out there so as to never be tricked. And this is the part that needs to be studied.
If you've ever seen any of his court filings, they're so bloody simple, quite on purpose, and he and his clients win every time. His rules are simple. Don't even pretend you understand one word of legalese. Instead, speak like a simple man and if forced, ask the court for definitions of every single legalese word, as it is used in the context of anything you're served with. But here's an example of his court CLAIMS:
i, a man, John Q. Public, claim that Joe Q Blow, a man, the "wrongdoer" trespassed upon my property and i demand it be returned immediately. See exhibit A for itemized list of my stolen property.
All those words bolded are the key LAWFUL words to use -> man, claim, wrongdoer, trespass, property, demand, stolen.
His reasoning is absolutely brilliant beyond words. The "wrongdoers" always hire attorneys who then file motions, whining and complaining, that there isn't enough detail in the suit, they don't have anybody to depose in discovery (which is all legal garbage) and try to get these suits dismissed thinking this is just a routine LEGAL lawsuit. Which it isn't. It's a CLAIM by a MAN (not a "complaint from a plaintiff") which cannot be dismissed for any reason. It MUST be heard by the supreme law of the land.
Furthermore, Lentz explains that the "wrongdoer" knows exactly what the claim is referring to so there's no need to explain anything in the lawsuit. The exhibits clearly show what the matter is about.
In most of his cases, he helped parents get their children back from CPS, but he's made this work in all sorts of other matters.
It's fascinating to listen to him reason, although he's hard to listen to as he's quite rough around the edges and doesn't suffer fools. Which makes his work all the more compelling in my eyes. He's anything but a polished smooth-talker like we have come to expect out of high-powered attorneys. Lentz is just straight and to the point.
Also key in his work is that the claim creates a "Court of Record", which is by definition a common law proceeding, which makes it HIS COURT - the Lentz Court. It's not the "judges" court. The judge is merely the referee in a court of record hearing a claim (not a legal complaint). So there's no need for pre-trial depositions, discovery, motions, etc. which is all LEGAL subterfuge and money-sucking nonsense.
Sounds great and easy of course. The problem is, the clerk of courts, attorneys, bailiffs, LEO, court reporter, etc. have no idea what's going on. And sometimes, even a lower-level judge doesn't realize what's happening. As such, they will try to prevent your claim from proceeding right from the get go. It becomes incumbent upon you to teach and educate them every step of the way. And this is where the education/learning are a necessity. You have to know how to STAND YOUR GROUND in the face of their ignorance of the law.
Lentz tells all sorts of good stories about going through these types of situations. You have to listen to learn.
The end result, however, is that the BAR association doesn't want this type of information to get out there so Lentz's cases always end in "summary judgments" or immediate expulsions of complaints, etc. such that you can never find any records of what happened. The complaint that was moving against he or his clients is removed from the record entirely and his claim doesn't fit into any "legal categories" one could find say in "Pacer" so it too gets deliberately lost in the mix. Bottom line, you'll never be able to search and find any of his successful cases by standard methods. And this is quite deliberate, of course.
But as you can see, when you "act like" the "King holding court", which is how things are really supposed to work, no single man/woman has any "right" to interfere with your claim if you feel you've been wronged.
I could go on and on....
As far as traffic tickets, drivers licenses, registrations, etc. stuff goes, this is a whole different ballgame. It's a giant clusterfork as the police officers have no idea what you're trying to do and you can get yourself into some huge problems playing the sovereign game. In fact, I saw a video last night of a guy who was literally murdered by 5 cops because he wouldn't comply with an officer. Horrific!
Lentz's strategy here is to "accept orders" gleefully and willingly from the LEO. Just like the cashier at McDonald's "accepts your order" as long as you pay them the money for the food you want. It's literally this simple but hard to get your mind wrapped around it after a lifetime of brainwashing.
Lentz doesn't go anywhere without his "schedule of fees" for "orders" that take up his time. His rate is one dollar per second. Thus, when the police officer says "give me your license" and you say "Is that an order officer" and he says "yes", you happily comply while at the same time informing him of your order fee schedule. The gist is, you always follow the officers "orders", you never pushback or say "no" or try to fight against him. A terrible strategy.
Obviously you can see where that's going as he's now in a position to file claim against the MAN, sometimes acting as a police officer, to be compensated for his time as he handed NOTICE to the police officer. It's all 100% LAWFUL in reality. Now, could you get a jury of 12 people to agree with what you did? Maybe, maybe not. But it's the principle of what he's doing that, if more of us did it as well, would cause a sea-change in police behavior over time that would really be the magic.
Lentz is vehement about people not using his tactics to "break the law", like speeding or whatever. He realizes there would be chaos in short order if this happened. As such, he would be the first to tell you to pay the ticket if you knew you were driving too fast. He tells stories about how he's had a few talked down by saying he didn't have enough money at the time but would happily pay the state $1 per week until the fine was paid off, as that was all he could afford. The court has to accept your offer of compensation, whatever it is. It's the law. So Lentz has had like $200 speeding tickets reduced to say $20 or $30 as the judge asked him what he could afford right this minute. So rather than receiving $1/week for the next 4 years, the traffic court happily takes your $20 right now.
I tell ya, it's brilliant stuff! It's all so simple. But we have to stop acting like peons, serfs and servants, letting somebody else boss us around who's in an apparent "position of authority".
It's worth mentioning too, that if you're a menace to society, speeding through your neighborhood, scaring kids, hitting dogs, whatever.... the men and women in your neighborhood can file a claim against you and ask for major damages, like confiscating your car, as well as major financial penalties. As your "jury of peers" would also be people from your neighborhood, the final judgment could be far worse than a ticket, loss of driver's license, etc. Your neighbors could RUIN such a person.
So to the naysayers that think all the driving statues and codes are a "good thing", they need to rethink how things work in this light.
Bottom line, when you realize what's going on compared to how things should be happening outside this legal "containment field", it all becomes crystal clear. We don't need 93 million codes, statutes, ordinances, acts, mandates etc. at all. We only need one law - do unto others. If you break that law, causing wrong, harm or injury to your fellow man, your fellow man can determine the appropriate justice accordingly. The end!
Anyway, Lentz is the guy in my book. Learning how to work WITHIN the legal system is a treacherous road, that without years of training and as you say, reading through the encyclopedic volumes of jibberish, you don't stand a chance. You'll get walked over every time as the legal system is ultimately designed for just this purpose. There's always a "way out", always a new "appeal" that can be filed, etc. until you're finally emotionally and financially drained of your last saps of energy. It's a lose-lose situation in the long run!
The worst part of all of this is that people don't begin to take an interest until they're all caught up in some form of litigation. They've already admitted to being the strawman, the person, the citizen, the defendant, etc. and have been playing the legal game for some time. Extricating yourself form these situations using these methods is near-impossible. The only strategy is to file your own counter-claim, which is superior to a complaint and must be heard first, and hope somebody can give you enough good advice to see it through. It's a big clusterfork either way.
Your best bet is to learn it all ahead of time so as to never get yourself entangled in the first place!
Our True Justice System has been long changed from being a Republic Justice System into this Mess of ""Criminal"" Justice where the so called ""justice"" being doled out is a Crime to begin with....
Lincoln did a very Good Job of flipping everything upside-Down, especially in light of his ""Lieber Code"", which he commissioned as Presider....
There's one hell of a Lot that needs to be undone, and I'm still Dubious that it will ever get undone....