FYSA: For Your Situational Awareness
March 11 2023 - Google News Search For Vaccine Rate
TLDR: the vaccine rate has fallen off a cliff, and they can't figure out how to get more people to get more vaccines.
The jabs probably do reduce COVID-19 deaths. Mainly because they kill you with something else!
But they are now stuck in a catch 22... because they had to stop falsely labeling COVID deaths, and now they don't want to label Vaxx deaths, hence the wave of hundreds of thousands of "Unknown" deaths.
Pro-Tip: All "COVID" deaths, all, not most, were either miscategorized people who died "with" COVID (based on a faulty test to begin with) or* murdered in a hospital. There are no COVID deaths. None. Murder or mislabeled only.
You find me one instance of someone dying FROM COVID outside of a hospital and I'll delete this... I'll wait
There certainly seems to be good reason to suppose that the whole COVID-19 thing was a hoax. The decline in flu cases just as COViD-19 cases took off is one clue. Another is that the "PCR Test" was not actually a test for SARS-CoV-2.
They could have tested finger nail length and adjusted the results to give them whatever case count they required.