It's worth what you think it is ... I think it's worth a lot. Truth. It's worth it all, isn't it?
Sounds like Gunnels may know a thing or two.
With all due respect ... did they discuss FE? Nope. So why interject that here? It has no relevance. Other than you disagree with that position. It's childish.
You sound a tad testy. Sorry about that. Here's some admittedly unsolicited suggestions toward musing up a happier life for yourself:
Don't be too hasty to attribute "truth" to ANYTHING. In fact, don't be too hasty to attribute ANY "meaning" to ANYTHING. All opinions are by definition less-than-fully-informed Value Judgments.
Once in a while, for a nonce, and for a lark, try appending "I imagine that ..." before EVERYTHING that you say. Or even everything that you THINK! It's a fun exercise, PLUS, in a way, your imagination's all ya got; there's NOTHING "out here" but that which you imagine that you perceive. (That latter clause can't be proven to be wrong.)
According to Q, you are watching a movie. And he/she/it/they didn't qualify that with "sometimes". Me, I would rephrase his/her/its/their (imagined by me) gist as: At any given moment, ANYTHING that you imagine that you perceive, MAY be a fabrication of some sort. (Including what you're reading right now, hehe. 😯)
Don't bother "believing" that anything/anyone actually exists. Everything that you IMAGINE that you perceive, is composed of naught but an amalgamation of spinning vortices of pure energy.
IN SUM: Stop tryna nail jelly to a wall.
... oh, I almost forgot the most important one: Do try to move your bowels at least once a day. 👍 You'll be amazed at what a freshly emptied poop chute can do for your morale. 🤩
I can't stand the guy. I should find the episode where he goes off on flat earth. It's unreal what a moron this guy is, talking about "debunking" Eratosthenes, who accurately measured the size of the Earth with a stick. You don't debunk science, you prove science. Idiot.
Lol I was anticipating seeing the guest in the video thumbnail, so seeing 'featuring Patrick Gunnels' pretty funny with your title.
Flat earther, FWIW.
It's worth what you think it is ... I think it's worth a lot. Truth. It's worth it all, isn't it? Sounds like Gunnels may know a thing or two.
With all due respect ... did they discuss FE? Nope. So why interject that here? It has no relevance. Other than you disagree with that position. It's childish.
You sound a tad testy. Sorry about that. Here's some admittedly unsolicited suggestions toward musing up a happier life for yourself:
Don't be too hasty to attribute "truth" to ANYTHING. In fact, don't be too hasty to attribute ANY "meaning" to ANYTHING. All opinions are by definition less-than-fully-informed Value Judgments.
Once in a while, for a nonce, and for a lark, try appending "I imagine that ..." before EVERYTHING that you say. Or even everything that you THINK! It's a fun exercise, PLUS, in a way, your imagination's all ya got; there's NOTHING "out here" but that which you imagine that you perceive. (That latter clause can't be proven to be wrong.)
According to Q, you are watching a movie. And he/she/it/they didn't qualify that with "sometimes". Me, I would rephrase his/her/its/their (imagined by me) gist as: At any given moment, ANYTHING that you imagine that you perceive, MAY be a fabrication of some sort. (Including what you're reading right now, hehe. 😯)
Don't bother "believing" that anything/anyone actually exists. Everything that you IMAGINE that you perceive, is composed of naught but an amalgamation of spinning vortices of pure energy.
IN SUM: Stop tryna nail jelly to a wall.
... oh, I almost forgot the most important one: Do try to move your bowels at least once a day. 👍 You'll be amazed at what a freshly emptied poop chute can do for your morale. 🤩
© me, 2023. All rights reserved. ☺️
VERY Sound Advice on the movement of bowels...cannot be STRESSED enough!!!🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Hmmm. This comment seems oddly self-contradictory. Not that it matters, but I don't think the Moggie's comment is childish at all.
Which is another reason I tend to catch the episodes with Burning Bright on instead, that and Patrick can be insufferable sometimes.
kinda agree. but this episode was very good. listened to it over a few walks/workouts.
nothing against PG, he just provides the least insight.
I can't stand the guy. I should find the episode where he goes off on flat earth. It's unreal what a moron this guy is, talking about "debunking" Eratosthenes, who accurately measured the size of the Earth with a stick. You don't debunk science, you prove science. Idiot.
Ditto. Loving the BB and JH combo. Caused me to begin tuning in to Dev Pow How.
Really 🤔 I didn't know that. Only knew he was an atheist until the last couple years.