South Carolina Bill Would Label Abortions As Homicide — Make Participants Eligible for the Death Penalty
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I don't agree with this
If you're opposed to abortion, sure, make it difficult to perform them and punish places like Planned Parenthood which are literal human organ trafficking centers.
But the death penalty? I mean, I guess if you look at murder as a sin punishable by death -- especially if it's a child -- it would make sense, but this seems to do nothing but add fuel to arguments that we're turning back into a Theocracy, and as much as I think abortion is WRONG, I can't get behind this.
Just my .02. There are plenty who would disagree and say that the death penalty for a woman who aborts her baby is justified.
I read this as those doing the murder, not the mother. And, since you seem to be correct I agree with you.
I think many/most times the mother is just in a difficult situation. Sure, she put herself there, but there needs to be some compassion and healing there, and she needs love in those cases, not condemnation.
Anyone going against the law and actually murdering the child though? Absolutely yes.
The fetus/baby is a child: a living, human being, being nourished, protected in the mother’s womb.
I am an abolitionist, but I do think any measures that put limits to abortion are good (most abolitionists dont). I think it's clear that abortion is murder, but I think, perhaps, the slippery slope is how does one differentiate between an early abortion and a legitimate miscarriage? I've had 4 known losses, all babies I longed for, but I wouldn't want the government stepping in and claiming I killed them. From what I've read, approximately 50-75% of fertilized ovum never develop and are miscarried (this is across mammalian species as its difficult to get true human numbers), but I'd venture that to be a true statement. No way should a mother be punished for that.
I’ve never been an activist, but Well, it IS MURDER of a human being ….
In Chris Rock’s recent show, He defined it as such. Everyone was laughing and having a good time… then he says:
“I believe women should have the right to kill babies,” Rock said. “That’s right, I’m on your side. I believe you should have the right to kill as many babies as you want. Kill them all, I don’t give a [expletive]. But let’s not get it twisted, it is killing a baby.”
“Is it right to take a human life to solve a problem?” Pope Francis rhetorically asked an audience in St. Peter’s Square on Oct. 10, 2018. “It’s like hiring a hitman. Violence and the rejection of life are born from fear.”
It's half of a double homicide.
Nothing about this issue is easy. At one end of the spectrum you have a medical abortion where neither mom nor baby is likely to survive, at the other you have callow men forcing women to have abortions when they don't want to. Now that seems to me to be a clear-cut case of murder. But it's really murky and grey inbetween. Partially from decades of propaganda, but I do think I'd lean toward mercy with young confused moms.
I don't think we should add more reasons for gov. to kill
I can’t see this happening, the bill passing. Although that is exactly what should happen, because it is murder.
So the mother should be executed?
For everything there are consequences. What happens to a father who beats his newborn to death? What I would like to see is permanent sterilization, ban from adopting or ever fostering, and if she should get pregnant despite sterilization, removal of the child from her custody and her boyfriend/spouse, etc. She chose to execute her baby in a very horrendous manner.
But you did not answer the question. This bill states the mother should be charged with homicide which could be either a capital offense or life in prison.
Do you agree with that? Because that is what is up for vote.
Yes. Murder is murder. I answered this with my first statement, I believe. There are other options if you don’t want a pregnancy: use birth control, permanent sterilization, adoption, abstinence. Every time you have intercourse, you should consider the possible results of doing so. Taking a life of a defenseless and helpless infant is abhorrent. A society, which doesn’t value life, is in decay. Where do you draw the line? It is okay to abort a baby, but not okay to drive your car, with children strapped in car seats, into a lake? It is okay to abort a baby, but if your partner stabs a pregnant woman in the abdomen, nicks a uterine artery, and the baby dies, it is murder? There is no logic between the penalties. However, I doubt the voters will vote for death or life in prison. If they do, it will be appealed to the Supreme Court. Also abortions are not the “simple procedures” Planned Parenthood would have you believe. It is risky having an abortion in an off site clinic. I have seen mothers brought in after an attempted abortion: heads stuck in the pelvis, mothers bleeding out, perforated uterus, and mothers dying.
Good especially late term