From Ted Nugent on TS
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Here is a successful fact check of Ted Nugent's post.
Two Democrats actually shoot at President Ford in 1975 and one Democrat shot President Reagan in 1981, not 1983.
He forgot Steve Scalise getting shot. I think the shooter was a Bernie bro.
Dont really care about Democrat or not on this. How many were FBI related?
Sadly, it looks likes an old list! How may more have happened since? How many Dems and Rinos did this?? All the wars too??? God help us!!!!!!!!
Perhaps it isn't guns that should be banned, eh?
looks like we need to start a movement to ban Democrats! or at least implement solid Democrat-control
Ban assault Democrats!
democrats (kkk) lynched a bunch of black people.
Maybe we should ban democrats from owning guns!
Guess they should get rid of Demonrats instead of trying to ban guns...writing on the wall
Sandy Hook
Ok bet. Watch Razorfist/The Rageaholic video on the true history of Lincoln.
There's a reason he's the darling for the left. And that his statue is literally on a throne. 😒