Well consider why none of the people who saw that horse considered the poo and pee coming out ...
I mean there were a lot of men hiding inside for days ..... And men simply do what they need to do, yes?
What if the men inside were dead.
The plague had visited Agamemnon's encampment quite often. And this was the culmination of 10 years of war ....
How can dead men devastate a city? Can a sickness devastate a city? And besides: back then cities were cesspools, with poor hygiene. Check for yourself.
And the irony of the Trojan Horse, which in effect is not even Trojan, but a trick devised by Odysseus or Ulysses, king of Ithaca. (please, no greek inferences as back then there were no greeks. And this Epic has as much to do with Greeks as the back side of the moon with paying for electricity). So, to call it a Trojan Horse is a misnomer.
Then there is another curious thing surrounding Ulysses's greatest achievements. When a blind man (maybe Homer himself) honors him by songs of his heroism, Ulysses breaks down in tears.
Wait, a warrior breaking down in tears for his heroism and military achievements? Since when? Maybe we should as Lt. Gen. Flynn about it.
I would say ... he broke down and cried because it was something he was disgusted with. It was a sin against honor. He had done something dishonorable. What could that be?
By shipping dead men in a Wooden Horse? Or was it, that Odysseus tricked the Trojans and that these dead men were corpses due to biological illness? Like the plague ridden corpses?
All of a sudden incongruity now becomes congruent. However, since Homer does not tell what was really inside the wooden Horse, we only have the folly of accepting gifts from your enemy.
This goes for speech as well.
And indeed. Of you really want to know about "transgenders" read something about the experience the Chinese had with the Mandarins.
I'm always reminded of my theatre director's joke (but a joke with a lot of truth in it). He was gay, but he never pushed the fact in people's faces. He had manners and believed that ALL people's sex lives were private and not for public consumption. Anyway, he always said, "If homosexual men are gay, then it must be true that homosexual women are glum." LOL I love this joke.
Well consider why none of the people who saw that horse considered the poo and pee coming out ...
I mean there were a lot of men hiding inside for days ..... And men simply do what they need to do, yes?
What if the men inside were dead.
The plague had visited Agamemnon's encampment quite often. And this was the culmination of 10 years of war ....
How can dead men devastate a city? Can a sickness devastate a city? And besides: back then cities were cesspools, with poor hygiene. Check for yourself.
And the irony of the Trojan Horse, which in effect is not even Trojan, but a trick devised by Odysseus or Ulysses, king of Ithaca. (please, no greek inferences as back then there were no greeks. And this Epic has as much to do with Greeks as the back side of the moon with paying for electricity). So, to call it a Trojan Horse is a misnomer.
Then there is another curious thing surrounding Ulysses's greatest achievements. When a blind man (maybe Homer himself) honors him by songs of his heroism, Ulysses breaks down in tears.
Wait, a warrior breaking down in tears for his heroism and military achievements? Since when? Maybe we should as Lt. Gen. Flynn about it.
I would say ... he broke down and cried because it was something he was disgusted with. It was a sin against honor. He had done something dishonorable. What could that be?
By shipping dead men in a Wooden Horse? Or was it, that Odysseus tricked the Trojans and that these dead men were corpses due to biological illness? Like the plague ridden corpses?
All of a sudden incongruity now becomes congruent. However, since Homer does not tell what was really inside the wooden Horse, we only have the folly of accepting gifts from your enemy.
This goes for speech as well.
And indeed. Of you really want to know about "transgenders" read something about the experience the Chinese had with the Mandarins.
Remember that old axiom, "nothing new has been said since the Greeks"?
I'm always reminded of my theatre director's joke (but a joke with a lot of truth in it). He was gay, but he never pushed the fact in people's faces. He had manners and believed that ALL people's sex lives were private and not for public consumption. Anyway, he always said, "If homosexual men are gay, then it must be true that homosexual women are glum." LOL I love this joke.
need a gimp in assleas chaps riding the horse for accuracy. this meme portrays the dems as being tricked. when actually they know