Everything has flipped. What democrats once stood for (peace, love, no war, less government, equality etc)... is now the MAGA-supporters are standing up for. It's bizarre!!
The democrats/liberals have gotten so incredibly dumb-down and mk-ultra'd that it's frightening. They are surface thinkers. One-dimensional. What's on the news is what they believe (most take some type of mind-altering pharmaceutical too so I have to wonder if that's some sort of culprit too)
All I know is those who once loved and revered Trump now hate him because that's what the deep-state conductor wanted his hypnotized orchestra to feel. We're living in a scene right out of "They Live".
The reality 'they' are portraying is a farce. A lie. And the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. And that's what's happening right this minute.
The leftists believed in those things -- or claimed to -- when they weren't in control. Now that they're on top, the masks are off, and they believe in only one thing: Power. At any price.
Everything has flipped. What democrats once stood for (peace, love, no war, less government, equality etc)... is now the MAGA-supporters are standing up for. It's bizarre!!
The democrats/liberals have gotten so incredibly dumb-down and mk-ultra'd that it's frightening. They are surface thinkers. One-dimensional. What's on the news is what they believe (most take some type of mind-altering pharmaceutical too so I have to wonder if that's some sort of culprit too)
All I know is those who once loved and revered Trump now hate him because that's what the deep-state conductor wanted his hypnotized orchestra to feel. We're living in a scene right out of "They Live".
The reality 'they' are portraying is a farce. A lie. And the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. And that's what's happening right this minute.
The leftists believed in those things -- or claimed to -- when they weren't in control. Now that they're on top, the masks are off, and they believe in only one thing: Power. At any price.