396 When I find myself getting worried about all the crap going on, I give myself the Trump reality check. (media.communities.win) posted 1 year ago by Factfiler (context) 1 year ago by Factfiler +398 / -2 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I often check myself to make sure I’m not falling into the hero worship trap with Trump.
We all disagree with him at times (e.g. vaccines), but we all still support him.
The thing is, aside from Jesus and my own parents, Trump has set a better example of what leadership is than anyone in my lifetime.
I’ve never met Trump personally, but he’s still done more for me, and at greater cost to himself, than any single friend of mine ever has. Ever.
So he’s earned that spot. He’s earned every bit of respect I can give him, and he continues to do so.
Agreed, 100%
Well said fren, and I agree