The Bible says there is only one way to Heaven - and that is through accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so that our sins are atoned for by that sacrifice - and we are clean in the eyes of God when we go before Him after we die.
By the Bible's claim - there is no other way.
That doesn't answer the question about what those religions are - but, according to the Bible - the Bible tells you what they can't be.
Buddhists do not have a heaven or hell in the sense of something in the afterlife. There is no reward or punishment at the time of death.
Buddhism always has been concerned with this life. While they are alive, they have to seek Enlightenment. The Buddha taught that knowing where we came from or what happens after death should not take up any of our energy.
In Buddhism, there is no concept of punishment or reward and there is no divine being who decides who goes to hell or heaven. There is merely the illusory results of your thought, words and deeds, which they call karma.
Hindus don’t believe that there are true religions and false religions. They believe that all religions are various paths towards god. Only requirement of a person seeking god is sincerity and purity.
Hindus can worship Allah or Jesus. They can go to a mosque or kneel in front of the cross without any problem. They believe that all these are just different names of the one reality.
In Hinduism, it is believed that there is no such thing as eternal hell or eternal heaven.
Hell and Heaven are treated as “vacation-homes” , one may say.
All the good deeds and bad deeds that one does in their life are counted and accounted. When a person dies, according to their score of Good deeds-Bad deeds, if there are more goods than bads, you get to go to Swarga and to Naraka if its the other way round.
But you cannot stay in either Swarga or Naraka forever. For x good deeds and y bad deeds, your score is S= x-y.Now depending upon the magnitude of S, your days are numbered and also, the facilities of Swarga/Naraka are upgraded/degraded accordingly.
So after staying in your vacation-home for your due duration, you have to come to the Earth again. But if you raise yourself up to a level where you become one with god, you attain Moksha-Liberation, from the cycle of Birth and Death.
According to those religions, there is no Eternal Heaven/Hell.
According to those religions, it's on You to earn your way to whatever version of temporary afterlife you want to go to.
According to those religions - it is your deeds, words and thoughts that determine which temporary afterlife you go to*.
Contrary to that, Jesus says - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
There's only one answer then - one is true, and the rest are false.
Otherwise, if multiple are true, then any who claim to be "the only way" are false.
And here is another key difference.
In Buddhism and Hinduism - it is on you to make yourself more perfect to attain the different versions of temporary afterlife.
How do you know when you're good enough?
The Bible tells us that God cannot have sin in His presence (Heaven).
The Bible tells us that we cannot achieve Zero sin - for even our own thoughts count against us.
Therefore, to be cleansed of our sins so that we may be with God in Heaven when we die - the judgement of our sins must be had.
The only way to repay sins, is sacrifice of the innocent.
Since we are so helpless and cannot free ourselves from all sin - a single sacrifice was needed to cover the debt of ALL our sins for all time.
This is why Jesus was sent by God.
To bear that weight in His sacrifice.
So all we have to do then is to Accept his sacrifice and we are covered.
The debt has already been paid.
We simply need to change our minds from the way we were looking at life - and accept the payment that has already been made for us.
There is only one God, and the only way to God is through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Russell will come to that conclusion eventually.
The Bible says there is only one way to Heaven - and that is through accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so that our sins are atoned for by that sacrifice - and we are clean in the eyes of God when we go before Him after we die.
By the Bible's claim - there is no other way.
That doesn't answer the question about what those religions are - but, according to the Bible - the Bible tells you what they can't be.
That is an excellent question!
Let's take a look at what they claim!
Buddhists do not have a heaven or hell in the sense of something in the afterlife. There is no reward or punishment at the time of death.
Buddhism always has been concerned with this life. While they are alive, they have to seek Enlightenment. The Buddha taught that knowing where we came from or what happens after death should not take up any of our energy.
In Buddhism, there is no concept of punishment or reward and there is no divine being who decides who goes to hell or heaven. There is merely the illusory results of your thought, words and deeds, which they call karma.
Hindus don’t believe that there are true religions and false religions. They believe that all religions are various paths towards god. Only requirement of a person seeking god is sincerity and purity.
Hindus can worship Allah or Jesus. They can go to a mosque or kneel in front of the cross without any problem. They believe that all these are just different names of the one reality.
In Hinduism, it is believed that there is no such thing as eternal hell or eternal heaven.
Hell and Heaven are treated as “vacation-homes” , one may say.
All the good deeds and bad deeds that one does in their life are counted and accounted. When a person dies, according to their score of Good deeds-Bad deeds, if there are more goods than bads, you get to go to Swarga and to Naraka if its the other way round.
But you cannot stay in either Swarga or Naraka forever. For x good deeds and y bad deeds, your score is S= x-y.Now depending upon the magnitude of S, your days are numbered and also, the facilities of Swarga/Naraka are upgraded/degraded accordingly.
So after staying in your vacation-home for your due duration, you have to come to the Earth again. But if you raise yourself up to a level where you become one with god, you attain Moksha-Liberation, from the cycle of Birth and Death.
According to those religions, there is no Eternal Heaven/Hell.
According to those religions, it's on You to earn your way to whatever version of temporary afterlife you want to go to.
According to those religions - it is your deeds, words and thoughts that determine which temporary afterlife you go to*.
Contrary to that, Jesus says - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
There's only one answer then - one is true, and the rest are false.
Otherwise, if multiple are true, then any who claim to be "the only way" are false.
And here is another key difference.
In Buddhism and Hinduism - it is on you to make yourself more perfect to attain the different versions of temporary afterlife.
How do you know when you're good enough?
The Bible tells us that God cannot have sin in His presence (Heaven).
The Bible tells us that we cannot achieve Zero sin - for even our own thoughts count against us.
Therefore, to be cleansed of our sins so that we may be with God in Heaven when we die - the judgement of our sins must be had.
The only way to repay sins, is sacrifice of the innocent.
Since we are so helpless and cannot free ourselves from all sin - a single sacrifice was needed to cover the debt of ALL our sins for all time.
This is why Jesus was sent by God.
To bear that weight in His sacrifice.
So all we have to do then is to Accept his sacrifice and we are covered.
The debt has already been paid.
We simply need to change our minds from the way we were looking at life - and accept the payment that has already been made for us.