🚨 The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals just blocked Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate for federal employees.
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
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All this for a forced vaccination. If they truly believed the vaccine works then why are they worried if said person doesnt get it? If you think its a good idea and get the vaccine you should be protected right? Then why does somebody that doesnt want to get it have to be forced to get a "EXPERIMENTAL" DNA altering vaccine that has shown to have killed millions of people worldwide? Doesnt pass the sniff test for sure.
You know the answer.... It's not about the virus. It's about having absolute control over your body.
Took wayyyyyy too long. Many have caved and the damage is done.
For sure! My husband is a fed. He's the only person left in his office that's a pure blood.
Oh for sure. The few people that were holding out were harassed almost daily by superiors and coworkers to get it. They all finally caved, except for my husband.
❤. But consider, if you need blood you need to supply names and phone numbers of those that you will take blood from
Just recently had a baby. Had to let them know if I agreed to a blood transfusion or not if there was an emergency. They would not let me bring my own blood donors in. 😡
Congratulations Mama!! I've told my pure blood family and friends that I'd post up in the bed next to them and donate directly into their arm if need be.
Most people are becoming lackadaisical in believing this pandemic war is over. It is not over.
In February, 2022, NY already passed into law concentration style “quarantine camps”, which would enable NY to issue and direct quarantine orders to anyone they targeted. The isolation and detention could be indefinite. The detention orders would not be based on proving the individual was sick. It would be by the direction of the authority for ordering detention.
A NY judge struck this law down, but the democrats in New York are trying to overturn this ruling to give the government the authority to lock up citizens in concentration style “quarantine camps” to prevent the spread of the COVID.
Concerning the above win that the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals blocked Biden's vax☠xine mandate for federal workers, does this ruling prevent the federal government from firing those individuals who held philosophical or religious objections to being vax☠xinated?
We now know the government is collecting data (names, addresses, etc.) for everyone not in compliance with the 'COVID' vax☠xination........ Yes, it is yet another 'conspiracy theory' that was proven to be correct.
Nice win.
Yes, and it's for the ENTIRE country this time.
Congrats to all involved and thank you to those who remained loyal to their principles!
Now the next step is to reinstate those patriots who were purged and establish protections so this won’t happen again.
Finally waking up are they!
I don't suppose they could have expedited that case, say like, 2 years ago...blood is on their hands
To fucking years later.
Any word on mandatory vaccinations re coming on flights into the Country? Can't believe that one was extended.
Great, but too late! The damage has already been done.