Macron the Magician !!! Makes an expensive watch disappear. POOF!
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Good catch - being in the film business - this could easily be 1. Protection for the watch or, 2. It would be a continuous noise issue if he kept hitting the table with his arm/watch and the production crew signaled him to remove it, which you clearly see him hand it off camera near the end. He wasn’t trying to hide that fact, although he was trying to be discreet about it.
We can’t be right about this stuff all of the time. I do feel we tend to over analyze things to a point where it starts to skew the way we see things. Everyone believes all TV and movies are laden with comms or the DS is sending coded messages with every movie made... or that everyone in Hollywood loves little children... I can tell you this is not the case. Are some people, sure... are all who work in Hollywood into that stuff? no not at all. But that’s the case with any industry/profession.
The reason he did it doesn’t matter, it’s about the signal it sends, the image that is printed in people’s minds.
The image is that Macron is not part of the huge group of normal people that will be affected by his policies.
He’s part of an elite that can afford accessories worth more than two yearly salaries, while he talks about his policies that will put even more French people into poverty.
It’s very similar to last years speech from then Prince Charles, where he talked about rising living costs from a multi million pound throne clad in gold.