The Qagg clock that appeared, had the clock and number clicking down, for some reason it is gone again however, today would be zero day. Senate just voted to end the Covid emergency.
If you go back and look at the timeline you can see this Covid 19 pandemic was treated as a war. President Trump declared himself a Wartime President in response to Covid. He said we were at war with a invisible enemy and entering into a national trial.
Senate Votes To End Covid National Emergency Order; Biden Will Sign Bill
If the start of the Covid pandemic began the war, I assume the Senate voting to end the Covid emergency marks the end of the war.
I saw other anons saying the end of the Covid emergency ends the immunity from liability with the vaccines. That is true. Immunity was given via the PREP Act. The PREP Act provides immunity through "October 1, 2024, or the end of any federal, regional, state, or local declared emergency, whichever is first".
I find it interesting that the rollout of the vaccines happened in Feb 2021 just days after Biden was signed in as President. It happened on Bidens watch. President Trump was out of the picture before the shit show began.
The Covid 19 pandemic was a International event. To me this means that the entire international community was at war with the entity that started this pandemic and that entity would be the deep state. The deep state is a international organization that includes many organizations in our own government but also includes the organizations under the United Nations, the globalists.
I think there could be guilty parties within our own Department of Defense. Remember we have read many times that the DOD controlled the patents on the virus and assisted with the distribution of the vaccines.
However, many people have said this virus is fake, it has never been isolated. Was the DOD's participation in this pandemic to control and assist in the release of a virus that was not at all deadly and then monitor the deep states response to it? The deep state may have intended to use a far more deadly virus and the DOD stepped in and provided the less deadly variant.
I think that the true villains in this ordeal were the de-populationists. The bioweapon that caused harm against humanity was the vaccines. Bill Gates has given speeches about reducing the world population through vaccines. Bill Gates along with other international organizations controls the vaccine industry and I believe this is where we find the de-populationists. The United Nations, World Economic Forum and World Health Organization pushing the NWO are all guilty as hell. This is our true enemy in this fight. The banking elite, New World Order using the vaccine conglomerate to kill us all.
I think its time again to begin researching the DOD Law of War Manual. We just entered a new stage. The Seante vote declares the end to the war.
"The classic means of ending an international armed conflict is a peace treaty, but such conflicts can also end through mutual consent, armistice, capitulation, surrender, or even a unilateral declaration."
Many countries across the planet are calling a end to the vaccines and a end to the pandemic. Now we gather the evidence and have some hangings.
Retortions and Reprisals start on page 1110.
I think we have been in the retortion phase for a while now. This is the phase of operations where we try to convince our enemy to stop violating the Law of War Manual code. Which code do you ask? Acts Constituting Grave Breaches. The acts constituting “grave
breaches” for the purpose of triggering these obligations are defined differently
depending on the particular Geneva Convention. However, all of the Conventions
include as grave breaches the following acts against persons protected by the
respective Convention:
willful killing;
torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments; and
willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health.
We tried to convince our enemy to stop the deadly vaccines and they refused. Instead they mandated it.
Other violations?
Chemical attacks, train derailments.
Locking down society, closing schools and churches.
Destroying food production
Creating Jan 6th riot and taking political prisoners.
Destroying our economy
18.18 REPRISALS (Trump may call it Retribution)
Reprisals are extreme measures of coercion used to help enforce the law of war by seeking to persuade an adversary to cease violations.
Making the public aware of the crimes that were committed by the enemy begins this phase. Did I not just hear Garland say Durham is ready to give his report? The Arizona SC just ruled that the signature verification needs to be looked at again. James Okeefe just exposed money laundering through Act Blue. Banks are failing due to corruption. Bidens bank records being exposed. Ted Cruz was blaming Mayorkas, placing the open border and child trafficking at his feet.
Reprisals also includes the prosecution phase, this may be where the military gets involves. Several sections in the DOD LOW manual that gives the pros and cons of military being part of the apprehension process but I think this is where we are headed. We are just 2 months past the mid-point of Biden's term and things are heating up nicely
The "best is yet to come" part is about to get started. Grab the popcorn and enjoy
Stay safe my frens!!!
Remember the black ops in LA? The helicopters landing on a city street? Raiding an abandoned building? Men in hazmat suits removing something from the building? All under the guise of training?
Yea that.
Dang. I remember that. But I sure wasn't thinking about it untill just now.
Don't forget about the burning of documents at the Chinese consulate in Houston.
And the AT&T building exploding over Christmas!