DEEP BREATHS ANONS! We knew this move was coming. The White Hats have been planning for this happening for some time. They set the ultimate trap, and the rabid Democrats took the bait hook, line, and sinker! A precedent was set today. The Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and Bidens are next! PANIC IN DC!

Uhhh hate to be that guy, but many on GAW were adamant that Trump would never be indicted for anything. I also remember a time when suggesting Trump could be the first indictment was scoffed at. I know because I'm one of those who put it out there.
Me too, downvoted into oblivion for saying it 🤷🏻♀️
I had tried to believe in the fairness of our justice system just a bit longer. Obviously now I'm not able to trust in the unbiased system I believed to be true.
Nope… the first arrest
Yes but that thought wasn't unanimous. And beyond GAW many people expected this to happen for a long time.
it only made sense to me it would be trump.. even back then where you say. yet i do not know everything, but the pieces i see is trump is the only one that would have the courage/protection/money/ability to expose stuff in court. The shot that is heard around the world could have many meanings too OR it was said on 4 different occasions. maybe 4 shots heard around the world.