Next week is Holy Week. Christ was arrested and tried and hung on a Cross. But He rose again three days after His death. Christ was the sacrificial lamb for our eternal salvation.
Supposedly, Trump has been indicted. It just came out he will be arraigned next week. He will most likely have a mug shot taken along with finger prints, etc.
He is being scorned by the Globalists and they are hoping to remove him from running for POTUS.
Trump is taking the slings and arrows for all of us to save us from the Deep State Plans for us. So he has become the sacrifical lamb in order to save us all from those plans. Trump will not die, but he will rise again (most likely not even having to stand trial) or because he gets off. And he will win the Presidential Election in 2024 thereby saving us from the deep state plans of a New World Order.
It will be BIBLICAL
We need to think of it the way Jesus described in the bible.
Jesus literally confirmed the avatar theory and reincarnation.
He saylid that Elijah did return, and that it in their day was John the Baptist. So spirits can come back and animate new bodies, when allowed to. (Old wine in New wine skins)
So, in suspect if Jesus the Lamb came to set off a series of events, and he had to die to come back and his spirit inhabited the LION of Judah (GEOTUS) to wrap things up at this current time... Essentially book ending the age of pieces.
No different than Elijah inhabiting John.
Bodies don't matter... It's what's animating it that does.
It's like playing a video game, you can pick different characters, but it's still you controlling it.
But the NPCs have no spirit. They are "dead in their sins"
The resurrection IS the great awakening.
From spiritual death.
We’re on the same page, fren! Love your handle by the way. You’re always one of my favorites.
Thanks fren 🙂👍
The are others who have also come to the same conclusion.
Though some don't speak overtly about it.
Melissa Redpill the world is also one.
She doesn't publicly talk about it, but we've chatted via dm
She has made some blood line vids too.
More need to talk about it, because once you know, you KNOW! Not sure if you’ve seen or ever heard of it, but the Documentary THRIVE brought me to my knees and opened my eyes, the third one included..... 😉 I would say it was the beginning of my spiritual awakening.
Never heard of it..
Where do I watch it?
It seems blasphemous to my ears to imply Trump is an avatar of Jesus
I understand.. believe me I do.
It doesn't make sense, unless you really read the Bible and understand what's written.
"In the power and spirit of"
"Potters vessels"
"New wine in old wineskins"
It's repeated over and over in different ways.