Next week is Holy Week. Christ was arrested and tried and hung on a Cross. But He rose again three days after His death. Christ was the sacrificial lamb for our eternal salvation.
Supposedly, Trump has been indicted. It just came out he will be arraigned next week. He will most likely have a mug shot taken along with finger prints, etc.
He is being scorned by the Globalists and they are hoping to remove him from running for POTUS.
Trump is taking the slings and arrows for all of us to save us from the Deep State Plans for us. So he has become the sacrifical lamb in order to save us all from those plans. Trump will not die, but he will rise again (most likely not even having to stand trial) or because he gets off. And he will win the Presidential Election in 2024 thereby saving us from the deep state plans of a New World Order.
It will be BIBLICAL
Weird, I was positive I linked it in my comment last night. Hopefully, this works.
Thanks I'll watch it!
It's a lot like Zeitgeist
The movie or the Philosophy?
The movie (s)
Actually, more like documentaries.
The first one was the thing that really kick started my awakening long ago.
I think you'd like them. They might be on one of the streaming services. Used to be anyways.
Will be checking it out. Thanks.
Woah, watched the first one. The first part covering religion and astrological/mythological similarities sent my mind into overdrive. My programmed self was saying I shouldn’t be watching, but my soul knew it was truth.
When is the next 2,150 age cycle? The Bible reflects three ages. Jesus ushers in Pisces. When asked by the disciples when the last Passover will be he says Luke 22:10, “Behold, When ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water....follow him into the house where he entreth in.”
This is representing of Aquarius, which we should be entering next. When will this be? With everything else we’ve been lied to about, we may never know when this should happen. Some say it has, is about to, or will be in a couple hundred years. I took to the World Wide Web for this one. Trumps words of hoping it’s all over by Easter are really ringing in my ears. Crazy times, crazy times!
Thanks for the recommendation. I will work my way through the others.