Intel Slava is a blogger, who runs a telegram channel. He posted updates about the Russia-Ukraine conflict since the beginning. His channel gave raw and unfiltered content regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which included details mainstream media wouldn’t report on or cover at all.
If he is truly dead, which it sounds like he is, he will be greatly missed.
That is quite apparently not the case. It was another Russian blogger who was killed, and Intel Slava was cited as the source of that news, which resulted in confusion.
Your TITLE for this post sucks!! Very confusing!! :-( Wasted a lot of time on this to figure it out! Not happy!!
Intel Slava is a blogger, who runs a telegram channel. He posted updates about the Russia-Ukraine conflict since the beginning. His channel gave raw and unfiltered content regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which included details mainstream media wouldn’t report on or cover at all.
If he is truly dead, which it sounds like he is, he will be greatly missed.
Here is the telegram link:
Hope that helps.
That is quite apparently not the case. It was another Russian blogger who was killed, and Intel Slava was cited as the source of that news, which resulted in confusion.