posted ago by WhyAserverWasBuilt ago by WhyAserverWasBuilt +37 / -0

While we know what it means for President Trump, how will it work with the MSM cackling every day? We know that they will, if not just mention the case and his gag order every day! The order must work both ways.

Further, Imran Awan was treated to his day in court, in a very private way, with George Webb filming the car bringing Imran Awan to court. You could not see inside the car to film, and they drove him into the underground garage. NO FILM OF IMRAN AWAN GOING INTO COURT. A very private day for a very private criminal working for Hillary and DWS at the DNC. Spying. But no one could get a picture of him going into court.

The reason is to have nothing to show, to remind us of Imran. That is why I post here about him, asking, WTF?

This is a stark reminder of the rogue difference between the treatment of President Trump and a well known criminal traitor against the U.S. Imran Awan!

Imran Awan: The biggest scandal you've never heard of? https://dailycaller.com/2017/10/06/imran-awan-very-strongly-wants-to-block-review-of-hard-drive-was-using-alias/

everything different for Imran....You cannot even find Webb's video of the drive in to the basement garage in a dark windowed car, for Imran's day in court. Nothing. No media cackling either!

SO...HOW WILL A GAG ORDER WORK BOTH WAYS???? This question must be pushed.