160 This Wyoming demon rat needs some phone calls to her office. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by mapkerchief 1 year ago by mapkerchief +161 / -1 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Can you imagine how funny a war between patriots and transtifa would be?
Don't underestimate "them". They're a cult and a psyop being funded by the satanic elite. Don't underestimate the resource network that's funding these people. Underestimating the "opposition" is the greatest mistake one can make.
Yes, the antifa we see are mutants. I get that.
However, if there were a hot war, we wouldn't be fighting the mutants for long.
Well-trained mercenaries would put on dresses and fill in.
Maybe some of the spies coming across the border.
They lack what some may call intestinal fortitude.
They're loud because they're protected.
It is the only reason they've ever been heard from.
Yeah. It would rage on for minutes