Trump's indictment unsealed
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I'm confused, there are duplicates?
Entry of invoice from Michael Cohen Feb 14- um, it was entered, so what's false about it?
Entry of invoice number #voucher number 842457,- again, it was entered.
Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 842460, OK, the number is different? But is this falsifying anything?
check and check stub dated February 14, 2017, bearing check number 000138
an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 16, 2017 but from March 16, 2017- Difference from #1 is the dates, note it comes after the check, so could be a new transaction. So a little weird because the dates within the indictment don't match - it looks like maybe the invoice was created a month before it was transmitted.
an entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 846907 - different number from #3.
check and check stub dated March 17, 2017, bearing check number 000147 - different date and number from #4 - note that it was paid promptly
an invoice from Michael Cohen dated April 13, 2017 - no number this time, just diff date from #1 and #5 - still see nothing suspicious, just a monthly invoice.
entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 858770 on Jun 19, 2017. Only differs in dat and number from #2 and #6
check and check stub dated June 19, 2017, bearing check number 002740, So differs but it is like #4 and #7
Another invoice from Michael Cohen dated May 22, 2017 - how sloppy, they have jumped back in time here we were already in the June records, now we go back to May? Like #1; #5 and #8
entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 855331 on May 22, So correponds with #11 - so this is like #3; #6 and #9
check and check stub dated May 23, 2017, bearing check number 002700, like #4; #7 and #10
an invoice from Michael Cohen dated June 16, 2017, - seems to correpond with #9 and #10 - again this is out of sync. Perhaps to confuse everyone. Also, we had invoices from this party before at #1; #5 #8 and #11
Jun 19 an entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 858772, just like before.
TLDR: I can't be arsed doing any more of this - it is just rinse and repeat - someone else can if they want. Here is a meticulous record of invoices, entries into ledgers and checks issued in groups. They differ in that they occurred in different months. It's called REPEAT business.
What are they gribbling about exactly? Lots of pompous language about how these were falsified, but how exactly? All this proves is that DJT paid his bills in time and kept damn records.
Yea, the explainer is in the accompanying "statement of facts" released by the DA:
The claim is that DJT and Trump Org wanted to reimburse Cohen, but didn't want it on the books what they were really paying him for. So, they had Cohen send invoices monthly for a retainer agreement which didn't actually exist, and they put that on the books when they cut him the checks.
IF. If it was illegal to pay for a non-disclosure. Um is it? Beware they are dressing this up in salacious details such as some sexual relationship. It has already been establshed that there was none of that, and Daniels now owes lots of money to Trump.
How do we know that Cohen's invoices and payments were NOT for other types of services rendered? How, do submitting the proof of the transactions as proof that something untoward happened? Is it illegal to reimburse someone when they invoice you?