After 9/11, there was a "9/11 Truth" movement,
And after the media and shills had successfully demonized "9/11 Truth'ers"
Like they did JFK "conspiracy theorists"
Some 9/11 truth'ers broke off and started the Tea Party movement,
And the Tea Party movement, actually got some traction, and some popular support among the people.
So the establishment hijacked the 9/11 truth / tea party movement,
And re-framed the Tea Party as merely an anti-tax movement...
But the problem with the "Taxed Enough Already" Party, is that it came about at a time when taxes weren't really a political or economic issue,
and so the TEA Party fizzled out and died.
Just like they planned it.
They took control of the movement, and lead it off a cliff.
So where are all of these so-called "TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY" activists now that theres high-inflation, and more burdensome taxes, and an unpopular and expensive war in Ukraine?
Have you gotten your new property tax assessment in the mail yet?
I know a man, whose property value went from 300,000 to 400,000
So now he gets to pay taxes on 100,000 more in property value than he did before.
Where is the TEA Party?
How many of you reading this post now, affiliated yourself with the TEA Party?
What was your motivation for Tea Party activism?
Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth
NOTE: the opening scene on the video is a date, 16 December 2006
Now, check out the Tea Party timeline at wikipedia.
it starts in 2009!
So Wikipedia whitewashed the Tea Party History, by ignoring anything that happened before 2009!
Thats how they got rid of the 9/11 truth aspect.
Pepe Farms Remembers
Trump rebranded it and called it MAGA.
Its flown over many heads, but Trump brought the TEA Party platform to the Presidency.
The left never mentions it because TEA Party confounds them. They don't know it when they see it unless its explicitly referred to as "TEA Party".
They do not understand or recognize its principles or mechanics, even in plain sight.
Yep, the TEA party platform was really the MAGA platform, but without the clear direction of someone like Trump at the helm, and also without the ability to withstand the MSM assault. I would argue that Trump learnt from their failings and incorporated them into the MAGA.
100% agree with everything you said.
This is where a major fallacy in the left's thinking occurs.
They believe Trump came first and MAGA are just "wave riders", like he's a fad or something, and that if they can get rid of Trump, "Trumpism" goes away, too.
They don't understand that "Trumpism" was first TEA Party, and that Trump is our mega-phone.
This is why "Trumpism" transcends Trump himself.