Given the increasing sophistication of AI technologies, it is crucial for the U.S. to establish comprehensive legislation to protect its citizens from harm caused by foreign-born AI-driven psychological programming.
Yes, It's only a problem when "foreign-born" AI are involved. I don't see Mr. Flynn advocating legislation to stop the CIA and various other American three letter agencies from using this technology against American citizens (which is almost certainly happening right now, but apparently it's only bad when China does it and not our own government).
Yes, It's only a problem when "foreign-born" AI are involved. I don't see Mr. Flynn advocating legislation to stop the CIA and various other American three letter agencies from using this technology against American citizens (which is almost certainly happening right now, but apparently it's only bad when China does it and not our own government).
Wow judging from the number of deported comments this post really hits the mark.
Yeah, Ok...Whatever floats your boat ...
Your comment is surrounded by deleted comments again. Your trolls following you around again?
Yip...And some new ones too...😉😁
That's because YOU ARE OVER TARGET...YOUR Navigation to target is beyond reproach...
My Favorite Saying: "BOMBS AWAY"!!!!🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨💥💥💥💥💥🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
LOL The young Turks. That's hilarious. Thanks handshake I needed a good laugh today. Keep posting and keep coming back. It works if you work it.
Its time for your 15th booster and testosterone shots
Women should not take testosterone
Yeah, Ok...Again, Who are you...
Bye now...