Blood Cultures of Unvaccinated Blood Shows Extensive (CDB) Filament Development After 2 Weeks Incubation- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD ...
Image 1: Unvaccinated live blood analysis Subject 1 - prior to incubation at room temperature for 2 weeks This is the next set of results in Clifford’s and my effort to answer the question: What happened to humanities blood? We are conducting different exp...
...I believe that is due to "covid fatigue"...
...people just want to move on with life....
...unfortunately, according to your post, "moving on" is not going to be that simple...
No...but knowledge is power and the only way to fight this is to understand is disconcerting to me that we have ALL been affected by these stupid shots and truthfully we are not able to see the whole picture to evaluate an adequate defense. There is the 5G angle, the spike protein angle, the graphene oxide angle, the hydrogel/Morgellan angle...very overwhelming to say the least....
I am tired and I can understand people being fatigued...but it seems like the real war is just beginning in a lot of ways....and it of course isn't just the vaccines that are involved....
Something that gets very little play is the ubiquitous nature of wifi in our present society. We are 24/7 bombarded by radiation. Ive had daily headaches every since wireless tech became the norm.
Yes...that is certainly part of the puzzle...
I feel like I need another dose of apple flavored ivermectin
...valid observations....
Dr. Carnicorn has a six part series on his work on blood analysis....maybe you or unleashed would be interested in posting those have a much more influential voice than I around here.....just a thought.....
...organize, then message them to me and we will do an Unleashed Special Edition....