It's been a while since I've posted but I think I found an incredible connection as to WHY we're going through this & the purpose of Q.
When I was younger, I was always fascinated in the afterlife and people's NDE (Near Death Experiences). Recently, however, I've noticed a sharp rise in NDE stories that all share incredibly similar experiences. The reason why there are so many more people who have had these experiences documented is due to two things: advances in medicine & technology. Not only do we have the technical ability to quickly bring someone back to life (necessitation) but we also have technology that is used to share & spread information quickly (internet/youtube, etc). As a result of these advancements, we have substantially far more documented NDE's than we ever had before.
I have always been a curious and inquisitive person, even when I was a young boy. I’ve always questioned 9/11, I believed that there is life elsewhere, I understood the problems with central banking (FED), etc. Name a “conspiracy” and chances are I’ve read about it. Due to my inquisitive nature and as a "Christian" who grew up "Catholic", I was even curious about death and the life thereafter. My quest for truth made me a bonafide 'conspiracy theorist' since I could remember. This is what eventually led me to Q in December 2017. As much as I went to the boards, read reddit posts on Q, gobbled up every Twitter account I could follow re: Q I still had this tremendous fascination with the afterlife, or NDEs. Both Q and NDEs are my favorite subjects that I love researching.
Before I go into how I may of discovered the REAL purpose of Q, let me bring you up to speed on my thoughts re: NDEs because I do believe this all ties in together. It wasn’t until yesterday that I came to these conclusions (these are my opinions and you are free to disagree):
This world is not courtroom but a classroom.
We choose our life (race, family, m/f, etc) as well as what we want to learn or experience here on Earth before we are born into this world. Once we're born, we have no recollection of what we chose, that is up for us to figure out during our time on Earth. This is why suicide is highly looked down upon because there is much to be said about learning through suffering. If you cut your life short, you effectively removed yourself from allowing others to learn from you and how many other lives you could of touched in positive ways (disrupting God's plan for you & others). Remember, "Rejoice in trials and tribulations/temptations". "My brothers and sisters, think of the various tests you encounter as occasions for joy." There is a purpose to suffering. It's not fun, believe me, but there is a reason for it.
We have multiple life experiences (you can say reincarnation if you want).
Our souls come here to have a 'human experience' because as souls, it is impossible for us to experience love/hate, pain/bliss, happiness/mourning, etc. The human experience allows us to learn what we cannot learn on the 'other side'.
It doesn't matter what religion you believe as long as you are able to be closer to God and treat people with love, respect and kindness. God is God. God is light. God is love.
Your life review is primarily about how you treat other people (intentionally & unintentionally). You relive your life experiencing it from the perspective of those you have mistreated or hurt during your time on Earth. This is physical or emotional pain. It comes down to understanding, not necessarily right vs wrong.
There is evil in this world & it is a part of the paradigm. It's not necessarily the despicable acts that is the issue, the REAL issue is that this evil is preventing God's plan for humanity from taking place. Evil is literally interfering with God's plan for us as souls (and Humanity) because we have originally allowed it. Evil is interfering with our ability to choose and is creating an environment on Earth that is devoid of love. This evil also wants to suppress Humanity by altering human DNA, which is preventing human ‘ascension’. Furthermore, this evil abuse of children is preventing souls who just entered this world from having a full life experience. This is why Children must be protected. (I’ll get more into this later with Q posts). Just to summarize this point, evil is part of God's plan, however, we as Humans have allowed evil to flourish even though there are far more good people in the world. This is what needs to change.
There is life on other planets and there are millions of 'Earths', all with souls who are going through a life experience to learn.
According to the Q group and God, free will and CHOICE is the biggest gift ever given to us as souls and humans. Nothing is ever done for us, we must ALWAYS make the choice & take up this battle against evil ourselves. We have to unite and work together. This will also help us ascend.
Whether it’s a result of aliens, other civilizations, good humans, etc.. apparently, Earth’s timeline changed at some point. The time-frame was somewhere in the 1990s. This information was provided by many who have had NDEs and were fortunate enough to be given a glimpse of the future by God. They used terms like ‘the Storm’ or “Storms’ but ultimately we will see a bright future ahead. They also commented that if the timeline didn’t change, Earth would have been destroyed (ie, Book of Revelation). Think of Q's post stating that if HRC won in 2016, it would be "Hell on Earth".
Before I go into the Q connections, I highly recommend you watch this video as it will explain much of what I write below:
This is a video of a 14-year NDE researcher (David Suich) who collectively summarized what many people have experienced during their NDEs. Again, he has no connection to Q or anything of that type. I highly suggest you play the entire video but pay special attention to the second half of the video. He makes a few references to what Q has communicated to us.
*** Here are a few ideas this researcher in the video has alluded to (below): ***
A “New World” or New Future: u/#q2450
Change in timeline around the 1980/1990s. What happened prior to & leading up to 1999? The "Start": u/#q1082
Are we alone in the Universe? Aliens & other Intelligent Life or other races: u/#q2222
Evil suppressing Humanity / God’s will via DNA. Q mentions "Ascension". This is a rise in consciousness:
Muslims Defending Christians from Islamic Extremists. Several examples of Humanity Uniting even with different religious beliefs (WW):
(There are several other examples of Q posting about Uniting and having faith in Humanity)
“Rough Patches. We will be facing some ‘Storms. Economic storms, riots, cultural wars. This is darkness coming to the surface” / Great Awakening (Hardships and hard truths progressing to a better future):
So, taking in what I wrote about NDEs, how does this relate to Q? Well, the commonly accepted purpose of Q is more of a superficial one but nevertheless it is massively important. This is what Q says is, ‘The Great Awakening’. Before we can ascend as a species we must first ‘wake up’ to the falsehoods, false prophets and lies surrounding us. We are waking up from the ‘control mechanism’ that is doing everything in their power to repress God’s will for us, which is: LOVE and CHOICE.
This is the first step in ascending in consciousness (in conjunction with God’s plan). We must be awake & understand the truth in order for us to progress (or ascend). This will allow us to unite and make better decisions for ourselves and those around us (friends, families and communities).
I firmly believe a bright new world lies ahead and “the Best is Yet to Come”. Like Q has said (including this 14-year NDE researcher), we must go through the darkness before we see the light:
“It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light” Q (#4951)
Edit: Can't figure out why the last 4 Q posts aren't showing up / visualizing on this post.
Edit v2: Very much appreciate many of the comments below. I simply thought these were my own ideas and I'm very grateful to others who expressed their interest and appreciation. I'm also pleasantly surprised to read about others who share similar views.
"Idle hands are the Devils playground". There will have to be a higher level of consciousness with more leisure time because at the moment a high percentage of the unemployed just end up killing themselves with fentanyl.
It'll be interesting to see how it goes. Keep in mind much of the drug abuse, violence and poverty is directly caused by the cabal. With them out of the picture, people will have more hope and drive. I've read the general atmosphere in higher densities is one of elated anticipation. Everyone is excited and curious to see what they're capable of working together.
Are you into Rudolph Steiner or Gigi Young at all? Do you have any good resources for this sort of info?
Law of One is probably the most comprehensive source in addition to the two I linked my longer comment. It's a series of conversations with an alleged 6th density entity who explained much of this stuff back in the 80s.
NDEs are also good as they're first hand accounts. Here is the famous case of Howard Storm talking about a vision of Earth a few centuries from now that he was shown while on the other side.