Yes. It was paid for. That video was from before the current issue. It was seized from people trying to smuggle it into Mexico during the pandemic. Beer was in short supply in Mexico due to the closure of the beer factories during lockdown.
The court finally ordered it destroyed in February.
I used to go shooting with friends 30 years ago, and one would bring cases of expired beer. One guy would toss the beer into the air, and the other would try to hit it with a shotgun. If it was hit, it would spin do to the rocket action of the escaping beer.
Bud Light get sad.
i hope they didn’t buy all of those Bud Lights in order to Steamroll them.
Yes. It was paid for. That video was from before the current issue. It was seized from people trying to smuggle it into Mexico during the pandemic. Beer was in short supply in Mexico due to the closure of the beer factories during lockdown.
The court finally ordered it destroyed in February.
oh, thanks.
that would explain the cameraman’s hand gestures ( palm facing upwards ) expressing disappointment.
Soon they will have to do it again....
I used to go shooting with friends 30 years ago, and one would bring cases of expired beer. One guy would toss the beer into the air, and the other would try to hit it with a shotgun. If it was hit, it would spin do to the rocket action of the escaping beer.
Nice! That parking lot is gonna a smell like shit tomorrow though
I like the song. Anybody got a link to it?