People are coming to terms with the fact that we are engaged in a spiritual war against evil. Conversations like these are happening everywhere.

I was away from the Catholic Church for almost 40 years and recently went back. I totally understand why so many despise the church as the same filth that is set on destroying the family structure are also part of organized religion trying to turn it into a radicalized liberal institution.
Thank God there are people like our Pastor who fights along with the great awakening. I have never asked him about Q stuff but I am convinced he visits this site or something close to it. He is under attack by the hierarchy as there is a war between flaming radicals and the traditionalists that has split the church into pieces.
I am not an apologist for the institution but I do know there are people who are willing to fight everyday for the side of Good and willing to stay even when it looks desperate. Somebody needs to stay behind and pick up the pieces and nudge the pendulum back to the other side. I am not a very good Catholic but the hour each Sunday allows me to place myself in the presence of the Almighty ( that’s not my couch) and pray for strength and forgiveness. I wrote a letter to the arch-bishop to let him know that closing the church during the pandemic nearly lost me again to the Church and it was the Pastor who brought me back by encouraging me not to let evil win
I grew up Catholic and eventually lost faith.
I am now being drawn back to God, but never the Catholic Church.
I believe there are good Catholics but the Catholic Church as an institution is corrupted by evil. This shows with the Pope and all the abusers among the ranks, the demonic sculpture of the resurrection and the serpent hall, the obelisk in front. The Vatican is openly a branch of the Synagogue of Satan.
https://i.redd.it/y6odr0g1shkz.jpg - Reflected image of the sculpture forms a demon/Baphomet.
https://dailymysteries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/klmftr-demon-prisera-2408278-kopie.jpg - Hall is a serpent's head with fangs
Also I had to go to Yandex to find these images because Google will no longer return them in search, especially the reflected demon head. Clearly being covered up.
I can’t argue against that but I believe the Good Lord knows what’s in my heart. Good luck on your journey fren
The Bible has survived the church and many antipopes through history.
If you read Machiavelli The Prince that time had a very corrupt and compromised pope. Catholics survive it and the church has safeguards.
That saying yes the current pope is troubling.
And there's this:
The Catholic Church was started by Jesus. You don't give up on Jesus because of Judas. The snakes can leave, not the believers. I urge you to reconsider. The Catholic Church is perfect, the people are not.
I will have to disagree. The Catholic Church as it is today is not what Jesus started. You have to remember that at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD the Oriental Orthodox churches split with the Western Churches.
The Western Churches then went on to split once again in 1054 into the current Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church.
So to say the Catholic Church is the one true church Jesus started is not quite correct, as many of the Coptic and Orthodox churches and even the Eastern Orthodox Church can lay equal claim as they were all once united under the same banner from the beginning. The Roman Catholic Church simply maintained the name yet adopted corruption and heresy over time which is what caused the others to split.
Here is a good resource that explains the history
The oriental and coptic churches if anything are the closest to representing the true teachings of Jesus as they were against the corruptions of the Catholic Church and stayed true to original apostolic teachings.
YES it is. It's called APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION. Look into that.
Judas' actions do not negate the work Jesus did with the rest of the disciples.