People are coming to terms with the fact that we are engaged in a spiritual war against evil. Conversations like these are happening everywhere.

Yet ALL our churches and pastors are MIA. If any of them were in any way healthy we'd be having prayer vigils 24/7 everywhere right now.
Not all. There is a remnant. Just gotta look and you'll find Him. You have to be open to things you might not understand, or have been taught by religion that it's bad. Prophets and speaking in tongues to point out a couple that tend to rub people the wrong way.
These churches also focus heavily on the Holy Spirit. We are more concerned about what He is doing vs. what the enemy is doing.
What you are talking about is Pentecostalism. Beware, the Charismatic Movement is dangerous theology, and it does not align with Scripture.
The Doctrinal Dangers of the Charismatic Movement
Charismatic Chaos
Strange Fire Conference
Most people who oppose the Charismatic or Pentecostal movement are afraid to even examine because of FEAR of CHANGE. Most of us don't want to admit we may have missed something that is clearly in the Bible so we just throw cold water on it instead of truly seeking God to see what HE says. And then we label as false those who DO UNDERSTAND. When I became humble enough to admit I "DIDN'T KNOW EVERYTHING" it was astounding how soon the Bible became REAL to me.
These people are under the same spirit the left is under. They will never look at contrary analysis but rather attack straw men. More concerned with doctrinal purity than actually doing something against the true enemy. I try to encourage someone to seek out God and im hit with a doctrinal warning and downvoted for speaking out against it. With allies like these, who needs enemies?