People are coming to terms with the fact that we are engaged in a spiritual war against evil. Conversations like these are happening everywhere.

All that New Age shit that came into the culture in the 80's was a magic carpet ride for evil influence on folks. Satan doesn't want the depraved and obviously corrupted people, he wants to influence the confused seekers, the people who would rather find God in any way but the OG Book. I remember when I was with my ex husband, before my son was born, he wanted to go to hear this speaker at some event, the woman had this skull made of pure crystal, that she said could channel healing energy or some such horseshit. I agreed to go with him, healing has always interested me. The morning we were supposed to go, I had this nightmare about demons and dark clouds coming up from the ground and me and him were standing in the middle of it. When I woke up I begged him not to go, almost in tears. He agreed, thank goodness. That was God speaking to me through dreams, and I thank him always for making my path the right one, it is still in my daily prayer " Please Father put a light on the path you want me to take, in the name of the Father , The Son, and the Holy Spirit. He will too, if you ask him every morning.
In the seventies there was a dude called himself julius brother of joseph in Conn....Lots of kids followed him including some arty types from my school. They all swore it could be freezing out and he would make it sunny warm