A fact that has not been mentioned is that Bud Light has for a long time been the preferred brand of working class Latinos in the US. Now how many Latinos, who tend to be traditional, are skilled labor, get married young, have a lot of children, want to see a white dude in women's clothing prance like a mental patient on their beer cans?
A fact that has not been mentioned is that Bud Light has for a long time been the preferred brand of working class Latinos in the US. Now how many Latinos, who tend to be traditional, are skilled labor, get married young, have a lot of children, want to see a white dude in women's clothing prance like a mental patient on their beer cans?
Really? All I see latinos drinking is Modelo and Corona.
May depend on the region, but all the guys I've known were strictly Bud Light. Could never understand why.