Kentucky passed a law to prevent crimes against children. Childhood is a tumultuous time where no one can or should make life altering decisions. Adults who try to influence children in the area of sexuality need to be stopped.
Geezes these people are insufferable. They always need to have some unreasonable greivance to whine about. They will never be satisfied, and the sooner we start saying “NO” the better!
They claim this is “life saving”, but that is based on the threat of suicide if their wacky demands aren’t met.
Stay strong, Kentucky; keep at it. This is truly the way we protect our children. Those sniveling, whining filth need to leave--leave this country would be better--that state and let decent people raise their children properly. Next, they need to go full bore after the "education" mess.
Kentucky passed a law to prevent crimes against children. Childhood is a tumultuous time where no one can or should make life altering decisions. Adults who try to influence children in the area of sexuality need to be stopped.
Try to visualize crying because you couldn't castrate a child
GOD BLESS Kentucky!
Pray this takes hold and spreads across the nation\world.
Geezes these people are insufferable. They always need to have some unreasonable greivance to whine about. They will never be satisfied, and the sooner we start saying “NO” the better!
They claim this is “life saving”, but that is based on the threat of suicide if their wacky demands aren’t met.
There is no such thing as “gender affirming care”.
Nobody needs their “gender” affirmed by anyone, let alone a doctor.
Their doctor “affirmed” their gender when they were born.
Why don’t they just “trust the science”?
“Science doesn’t care about your feelings” they tell us.
Stay strong, Kentucky; keep at it. This is truly the way we protect our children. Those sniveling, whining filth need to leave--leave this country would be better--that state and let decent people raise their children properly. Next, they need to go full bore after the "education" mess.