30 March 2023
Angel Studios Acquires Rights to Jim Caviezel Drama ‘Sound of Freedom':
Press release:
This means: The movie is ready and we will be able to see it and share soon.
Jim Caviezel about adrenochrome:
Angel Studios - you can watch previous movies and donate here:
The Chosen
The Only Son
Hopefully the full movie “Sound of Freedom” will soon be here.
The agreement between the producer and the studio is a win / win for both:
Movie finds a way to be released and the current audience of the studio can be interested to see the movie and share (saving the children is a good thing to do and support)
Studio will find new audience from here - people who’ve been waiting to this movie for so long - they’re often Christians or looking for God, so they may watch the other movies like the one you’ve mentioned.
Someone gave the producer good advice.
Well well, you have outed yourself. Why did Joseph receive the coat of many colors? Why was he the heir apparent? Israel had 12 sons and Joseph was not the first born.
I realize that, Joseph was the favored son of Rachel whom Jacob (also not the first born son of Isaac, but chosen before birth by God to be the heir) loved anD worked for. His FIL tricked him and swapped out the older sister Leah at his wedding, then he worked another 7 years for Rachel.. each came with a maidservant who Jacob had children with as his wives competed for supremacy in the home. Jacob showed favoritism, thru all his dealings with his wives and sons (sin). Jesus would be born in the line of Judah/Tamar via Rahab/Salmon, Boaz/Ruth, Jesse, David/Bathsheba, Solomon. . . .
Joseph was the first born of his second WIFE. Wife is the ticket. Concubines didn't count legally. Curiosity here. Why (sin) is in that sentence? Missing something there. Enlighten me?
Jesus grandmothers were very fascinating women!
Yes they were!! Sin to show blatant favoritism. His wives and kids knew who he loved and cared for and who he didn't. Yes Joseph was the first born to the second wife, who should have been his first wife, the one he loved. And she died giving birth to Benjamin. Thus Jacob always treasured and lifted Joseph up. God also used that to get Joseph to Egypt (thru the jealousy and hatred of his brothers), thus accomplishing the exile and redemption of His people thru Moses out of Egypt.
Thank you for the explanation. It would seem pretty hard to hide that Jacob loved Rachael. The favoritism would have been obvious. A sin? Maybe just human nature. Since God knows all things, He knew Rubin would lose his birthright and it would fall to Joseph and Jacob was probably OK with that.
I love these old testament stories even if I do get confused sometimes keeping all the names straight.
To show that Jesus would befriend and live among and care for sinners and change them from condemned, lost, unworthy etc; to redeemed, loved, saved, prized, forgiven. Because God, through His only Son Jesus transforms lives.
Agreed this is correct