Watch the video below and think about the things happening today. It makes perfect sense. It is only a matter of time before the truth is known.
Super computers were used to try to predict the future, this was a experiment they called Project Looking Glass. Inputting critical data, using statistics, the outcome always led to the same conclusion, a Great Awakening.
People conducting the experiment started loading information into the system. They loaded all the data points they thought would be prominent in directing the future direction of humanity. It was soon realized, after changing the data many times, it always ended with the same conclusion.
Attempts were made to change the super computers conclusion. What they realized, even if they added data points to try to steer public perception to a different direction, this new data would be seen as lies and propaganda and put the Great Awakening on a quicker timeline.
Nothing they did could change the outcome, one day in the near future, the evils of the deep state / cabal would become full public knowledge. This frightened the elite.
I saw a anon asking about the 16 year plan with Obama and Hillary. Why? The reason why, the elite knew their end was coming. They reacted with unimaginable attempt to destroy us and change the Looking Glass outcome.
Agenda 2020 and then 2030 popped up. The elite were attempting to push humanity into a enslavement scenario before the Great Awakening occurred.
Depopulation vaccine programs
Destruction of currencies
Central bank digital currencies
Global warming mandates
Eliminating energy resources
Electric cars to limit transportation
Controlling food production
Dehumanizing us with pedophilia and transgender trash
Just as the super computers predicted, all the crazy bullshit in a attempt to enslave and demoralize us had a opposite effect, it enlightened us.
Now everyone sits looking at this crazy world wondering why things seem so chaotic and what is happening behind the scenes to create such an insane world.
What we actually see is the back and forth struggle between white hat and black hats. As the video suggests, the black hats are in checkmate and unwilling to go down. However, as time goes by, more and more information is released and humanity as a whole is brought to the light.
I think there was one factor that made the elites propaganda useless, that woke the sleeping giant, turned us into a connected hive mind to fight the propaganda and lies. That was Q and his internet warriors. Keep fighting my frens!!!
Stay safe my frens!!!
Thanks for your opinion. I think it is both.
The Q team themselves call it the plan. Very straightforward and simply the plan. Moves and countermoves.
That is all.
What is a plan but a self fulfilling prophecy that you work toward realizing?
Anyway. Thanks again for your take. I’m good with mine.
You must not have read the Q posts. "Shall we play a game, this is not a game." This is a carefully laid plan to free us all. Not a prediction.
Read them all. Thank you for your input. Anything else you’d like to add?